In his thorough treatise on secrets of the body and secrets of the language, the author deals with the close connection of the body with the language, realized through speech processes in the brain and vocal organs, also naming several body parts in Slavonic languages. From this broader aspect, which also includes two chapters on taboos in linguistics and Slavonic obscene vocabulary lexicography, the author thoroughly discusses "the strongest words" in Slavonic languages, i.e. names for the membrum virile, i.e. the male sex organ, making several very interesting discoveries and enabling us a deeper understanding of the language and human existence.Avtor se v svoji razpravi v enajstih poglavjih loteva tesne povezanosti telesa z jezikom, hi s...
none3siIn questa carrellata nel breve spazio delle poche decine di pagine dedicate a questo blocco t...
V prispevku je opozorjeno na sodobnejše in aktualne vplive slovanskega jezikoslovja pri obravnavi ne...
The paper examines the Slavonian dialect on all linguistic levels. Special attention is given to the...
Diplomsko delo se s pomočjo filozofskih in antropoloških prijemov loteva tematike človeških izločkov...
Clause is devoted to the proof of that indisputable fact supported by the historical validity, that ...
V magistrskem delu so zbrani odgovori na vprašanja iz Slovenskega lingvističnega atlasa (SLA) iz pom...
V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na vulgarizme, ki jih je družbena sprejemljivost zaznamovala...
In our time Church Slavonic is a “language without native speakers,” but it is not in all respects a...
A Dictionary of the Ojibway Language by Friderik Baraga was reprinted in 1992. This brief outline de...
The word va appears in four places in the legendary poem Sveti Tomaž umrje (Holy Thomas Dies), twice...
Prispevek podaja kratek pregled izbranih (južno)slovanskih jezikovnih vplivov v zgodovini slovenskeg...
Otechestvennoi istorii izvestny primery zloupotrebleniia obstsennoi leksikoi pri osushchestvlenii d...
The author discussed a few sexualisms – names of sexual body parts. He excerpted lexical material fr...
Gender is a grammatical category in the Indo-European languages. It is generally assumed that sex a...
Kot sorodna južnoslovanska jezika sta slovenščina in srbščina bili in sta predmet raziskav številnih...
none3siIn questa carrellata nel breve spazio delle poche decine di pagine dedicate a questo blocco t...
V prispevku je opozorjeno na sodobnejše in aktualne vplive slovanskega jezikoslovja pri obravnavi ne...
The paper examines the Slavonian dialect on all linguistic levels. Special attention is given to the...
Diplomsko delo se s pomočjo filozofskih in antropoloških prijemov loteva tematike človeških izločkov...
Clause is devoted to the proof of that indisputable fact supported by the historical validity, that ...
V magistrskem delu so zbrani odgovori na vprašanja iz Slovenskega lingvističnega atlasa (SLA) iz pom...
V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na vulgarizme, ki jih je družbena sprejemljivost zaznamovala...
In our time Church Slavonic is a “language without native speakers,” but it is not in all respects a...
A Dictionary of the Ojibway Language by Friderik Baraga was reprinted in 1992. This brief outline de...
The word va appears in four places in the legendary poem Sveti Tomaž umrje (Holy Thomas Dies), twice...
Prispevek podaja kratek pregled izbranih (južno)slovanskih jezikovnih vplivov v zgodovini slovenskeg...
Otechestvennoi istorii izvestny primery zloupotrebleniia obstsennoi leksikoi pri osushchestvlenii d...
The author discussed a few sexualisms – names of sexual body parts. He excerpted lexical material fr...
Gender is a grammatical category in the Indo-European languages. It is generally assumed that sex a...
Kot sorodna južnoslovanska jezika sta slovenščina in srbščina bili in sta predmet raziskav številnih...
none3siIn questa carrellata nel breve spazio delle poche decine di pagine dedicate a questo blocco t...
V prispevku je opozorjeno na sodobnejše in aktualne vplive slovanskega jezikoslovja pri obravnavi ne...
The paper examines the Slavonian dialect on all linguistic levels. Special attention is given to the...