This article presents a concept for a handbook dealing with normative issues, with an emphasis on the concept of a normative dictionary. It will illustrate vocabulary that is new and of normative interest using current examples that are also communicative for general users. The collection will be organized to enable ongoing processing and updating of linguistic material, thereby contributing to the development of Slovenian normative studies. Sample items prepared for publication illustrate the basic design principles for a modern normative dictionary.V prispevku je predstavljena zasnova priročnika, specializiranega za pravopisna vprašanja, s poudarkom na konceptu pravopisnega slovarja. V njem bo pravopisno zanimivo in novo besedje ponazor...
Synonyms and antonyms present an important feature of the vocabulary structure in the Slovene Dictio...
The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specializ...
This article presents the Language Advising Service website for Slovenian with an emphasis on its te...
This article explores the idea of the norm in standard written Slovenian. The historical background...
The draft revised normative guide being prepared by the Normative Guide Committee at SAZU and ZRC SA...
Lexicographic reference works are, especially in small language groups, among the most influential w...
In this article we present the normative activity of the Lexicological Section of the Fran Ramovš In...
V prispevku je pozornost usmerjena v problematiko jezikovne standardizacije oziroma njene faze, ki j...
The article discusses Slovenian legal terminology. It first describes it from the perspective of its...
Članek preverja spremembe v odnosu pravopisne norme do nekaterih tujejezičnih leksemov, ki jih lahko...
Prispevek se problemsko osredotoča na slovar kot vir za spoznavanje komunikacijske norme na podlagi ...
L\u27auteur discute les problemes de la codification de le norme usuelle, qui est etablie dans la la...
Feminine Forms Derived from Masculine Nouns in Slovenian Idioms This article deals with feminine fo...
This article presents a concept for a dictionary of abbreviations used in Slovenian; this dictionary...
U radu se donose skraćene verzije dviju cjelina opsežnijega rada posvećena istraživanju uporabnih je...
Synonyms and antonyms present an important feature of the vocabulary structure in the Slovene Dictio...
The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specializ...
This article presents the Language Advising Service website for Slovenian with an emphasis on its te...
This article explores the idea of the norm in standard written Slovenian. The historical background...
The draft revised normative guide being prepared by the Normative Guide Committee at SAZU and ZRC SA...
Lexicographic reference works are, especially in small language groups, among the most influential w...
In this article we present the normative activity of the Lexicological Section of the Fran Ramovš In...
V prispevku je pozornost usmerjena v problematiko jezikovne standardizacije oziroma njene faze, ki j...
The article discusses Slovenian legal terminology. It first describes it from the perspective of its...
Članek preverja spremembe v odnosu pravopisne norme do nekaterih tujejezičnih leksemov, ki jih lahko...
Prispevek se problemsko osredotoča na slovar kot vir za spoznavanje komunikacijske norme na podlagi ...
L\u27auteur discute les problemes de la codification de le norme usuelle, qui est etablie dans la la...
Feminine Forms Derived from Masculine Nouns in Slovenian Idioms This article deals with feminine fo...
This article presents a concept for a dictionary of abbreviations used in Slovenian; this dictionary...
U radu se donose skraćene verzije dviju cjelina opsežnijega rada posvećena istraživanju uporabnih je...
Synonyms and antonyms present an important feature of the vocabulary structure in the Slovene Dictio...
The article presents the way that new lexis is handled in Slovenian and German general and specializ...
This article presents the Language Advising Service website for Slovenian with an emphasis on its te...