Tulisan ini berangkat dari fenomena kenakalan remaja yang kian hari dirasakan sangat meresahkan, mulai dari tindakan yang ringan hingga berat. Kondisi ini dilatari oleh berbagai faktor dimana salah satunya adalah faktor lingkungan pendidikan. Remaja usia sekolah yang dinamakan siswa harus ditumbuhkan dalam diri mereka budaya malu akan perbuatan yang menyimpang tersebut. Proses pembentukan budaya malu dapat dilakukan dengan mengadopsi teori reintegratif shaming yang dikemukakan oleh Braithwaite, namun demikian tetap berpegang pada proses dan program yang terintegrasi antara guru, orang tua, dan masyarakat sehingga dapat terhindar dari kesalahfahaman terutama mengenai hak perlindungan anak dalam konteks undang-undang
Lately the problem of student delinquency is getting more and more inevitable. In the school environ...
AbstractJuvenile delinquency has now almost occurred in every corner of the country, from light acqu...
The rise of the issue of bullying in the world of education today is very dangerous for the moral su...
ABSTRACTIn this journal, the author raises the issue of juvenile delinquency as a crime. The choice ...
Abstract Shame is one of the functions of behavioral control in individuals. Since childhood, a chi...
Remaja merupakan generasi masa depan suatu bangsa yang harus di didik dimulai dari lingkungan keluar...
AbstrakRemaja adalah masa peralihan dari anak-anak ke dewasa. Seorang remaja sudah tidak lagi dapat ...
This shame culture is developed and maintained to serve as a means of traditional social control / s...
Adolescents as the future generation should have the character to be proud of and be a role model to...
ABSTRACTChildren are an inseparable part of the continuity of human life and the sustainability of a...
The development of juvenile deliquency in Indonesia is so bad. It happened in SMAN 1Payung. but in t...
Juvenile delinquency merupakan perilaku anak-anak atau remaja yang bersifat pelanggaran hukum yang b...
This community service activity regarding counseling on juvenile delinquency for students of SMP Neg...
The titel of this research is Delinquency Prevention (Delinquency of Children And Youth), Impact And...
Guidance and counseling services are aimed at helping to overcome many difficulties faced by girls b...
Lately the problem of student delinquency is getting more and more inevitable. In the school environ...
AbstractJuvenile delinquency has now almost occurred in every corner of the country, from light acqu...
The rise of the issue of bullying in the world of education today is very dangerous for the moral su...
ABSTRACTIn this journal, the author raises the issue of juvenile delinquency as a crime. The choice ...
Abstract Shame is one of the functions of behavioral control in individuals. Since childhood, a chi...
Remaja merupakan generasi masa depan suatu bangsa yang harus di didik dimulai dari lingkungan keluar...
AbstrakRemaja adalah masa peralihan dari anak-anak ke dewasa. Seorang remaja sudah tidak lagi dapat ...
This shame culture is developed and maintained to serve as a means of traditional social control / s...
Adolescents as the future generation should have the character to be proud of and be a role model to...
ABSTRACTChildren are an inseparable part of the continuity of human life and the sustainability of a...
The development of juvenile deliquency in Indonesia is so bad. It happened in SMAN 1Payung. but in t...
Juvenile delinquency merupakan perilaku anak-anak atau remaja yang bersifat pelanggaran hukum yang b...
This community service activity regarding counseling on juvenile delinquency for students of SMP Neg...
The titel of this research is Delinquency Prevention (Delinquency of Children And Youth), Impact And...
Guidance and counseling services are aimed at helping to overcome many difficulties faced by girls b...
Lately the problem of student delinquency is getting more and more inevitable. In the school environ...
AbstractJuvenile delinquency has now almost occurred in every corner of the country, from light acqu...
The rise of the issue of bullying in the world of education today is very dangerous for the moral su...