Despite a lot of advancesin current therapeutic modalities, heart failure and coronary artery disease are still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Current management of heart failure indeed increase survival rate, however re-hospitalization and mortality rate remain high. Furthermore, none of those therapeutic modalitiesare based on myocardial regeneration concept.Stem cell therapy is an interesting new concept in heart failure management. Various cell types, administration route and cell expansions strategies are extensively studied. Stem cell improve myocardial perfusion and differentiate into angiogenic and contractile cell. Stem cell therapy is a promising regeneratif medicine in the future.Gagal jantung dan penyakit arteri k...
Penyakit Jantung, termasuk di dalamnya infark miokard dan iskemik miokard merupakan penyakit yang be...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. Because of the economic and ...
Gagal jantung bukan menurun bahkan meningkat prevalensinya.1 Terapi sindrom koroner akut yang lebih ...
Despite a lot of advancesin current therapeutic modalities, heart failure and coronary artery diseas...
Despite a lot of advancesin current therapeutic modalities, heart failure and coronary artery diseas...
Penelitian terapi sel punca di dunia telah berkembang dengan pesat dalam beberapa dasa warsa terakhi...
Infark miokard adalah nekrosis masif otot jantung disebabkan ketidakseimbangan antara suplai darah d...
Heart disease is the deadliest disease in the world. The problem that usually arises in patients wit...
Infark miokard masih merupakan penyebab utama gagal jantung kongestif dan kematian (5,1%). Penyakit ...
Ungkapan from bench to bedside sesungguhnya merupakan dambaan setiap peneliti yang bergerak dalam il...
Introduction: Heart failure is one of the fastest increasing cardiovascular diagnoses . On By 2015 a...
Heart failure (HF) is a worldwide health problem with high prevalence rate. The prevalence is over 2...
Myocardial infarction is one of the main cause of mortality in many countries. Therefore, an effecti...
Cardiovascular disease has been well known as the most frequent cause of death in many countries all...
Gagal jantung (GJ) merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas kardiovaskular. Dalam kurun wa...
Penyakit Jantung, termasuk di dalamnya infark miokard dan iskemik miokard merupakan penyakit yang be...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. Because of the economic and ...
Gagal jantung bukan menurun bahkan meningkat prevalensinya.1 Terapi sindrom koroner akut yang lebih ...
Despite a lot of advancesin current therapeutic modalities, heart failure and coronary artery diseas...
Despite a lot of advancesin current therapeutic modalities, heart failure and coronary artery diseas...
Penelitian terapi sel punca di dunia telah berkembang dengan pesat dalam beberapa dasa warsa terakhi...
Infark miokard adalah nekrosis masif otot jantung disebabkan ketidakseimbangan antara suplai darah d...
Heart disease is the deadliest disease in the world. The problem that usually arises in patients wit...
Infark miokard masih merupakan penyebab utama gagal jantung kongestif dan kematian (5,1%). Penyakit ...
Ungkapan from bench to bedside sesungguhnya merupakan dambaan setiap peneliti yang bergerak dalam il...
Introduction: Heart failure is one of the fastest increasing cardiovascular diagnoses . On By 2015 a...
Heart failure (HF) is a worldwide health problem with high prevalence rate. The prevalence is over 2...
Myocardial infarction is one of the main cause of mortality in many countries. Therefore, an effecti...
Cardiovascular disease has been well known as the most frequent cause of death in many countries all...
Gagal jantung (GJ) merupakan penyebab utama mortalitas dan morbiditas kardiovaskular. Dalam kurun wa...
Penyakit Jantung, termasuk di dalamnya infark miokard dan iskemik miokard merupakan penyakit yang be...
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. Because of the economic and ...
Gagal jantung bukan menurun bahkan meningkat prevalensinya.1 Terapi sindrom koroner akut yang lebih ...