KTUN as object of dispute in PTUN has been regulated in the Administrative Court Law including the procedure. After the promulgation of the Administrative Law of the Government, KTUN and the procedure also regulates the Law on Government Administration, but it is a difference in the regulation of the nature of decisions and procedures. The type of research used is normative legal research. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there are differences in arrangements for the 3 aspects regulated in the Administrative Court Law and Government Administration Law, namely the first arrangement of the nature of the KTUN, where the concept of KTUN becomes a supplement after the birth of the Government Administration Law and has i...
Salah satu prinsip penting dalam hukum administrasi negara adalah asas Presumptio Iustae Causa yang ...
ABSTRACT The principle that Indonesia is a rule of law means that all actions taken must be based on...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan PTTUN Surabaya Nomor : 03/G.Pilkada/2015/PTTUN.SBY, yang bertu...
ABSTRAK KTUN sebagai objek sengketa di PTUN telah diatur dalam UU PTUN termasuk prosedurnya. Setelah...
The government is a legal subject that has little or no role in the survival of society. In performi...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan PTUN Yogyakarta Nomor :8/G/2016/PTUN.YK, yang akan menguraikan...
Settlement of State Administrative Disputes as a result of a conflict of authority between the gover...
Based on administrative court act, the administrative court is only authorized to hear administrativ...
This legal research aims to identify and analyze the competence of Jakarta state administrative cour...
The State Administration decisions, is a written determination by a government official, if it is t...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada Putusan PTUN Semarang Nomor : 91/G/2019/PTUN.SMG, dilatarbelakangi ole...
AbstractState Administration Officials in issuing a State Administration Decree are often negligent ...
Jawaban yang diperoleh penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan adanya pengaturan di dalam UUPTUN ...
This study’s aim is to analyze how the concept development of State Administrative Decision (KTUN) i...
Historically, State Administrative Court (PTUN) has existed since 1986, with the enactment of Law Nu...
Salah satu prinsip penting dalam hukum administrasi negara adalah asas Presumptio Iustae Causa yang ...
ABSTRACT The principle that Indonesia is a rule of law means that all actions taken must be based on...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan PTTUN Surabaya Nomor : 03/G.Pilkada/2015/PTTUN.SBY, yang bertu...
ABSTRAK KTUN sebagai objek sengketa di PTUN telah diatur dalam UU PTUN termasuk prosedurnya. Setelah...
The government is a legal subject that has little or no role in the survival of society. In performi...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan PTUN Yogyakarta Nomor :8/G/2016/PTUN.YK, yang akan menguraikan...
Settlement of State Administrative Disputes as a result of a conflict of authority between the gover...
Based on administrative court act, the administrative court is only authorized to hear administrativ...
This legal research aims to identify and analyze the competence of Jakarta state administrative cour...
The State Administration decisions, is a written determination by a government official, if it is t...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada Putusan PTUN Semarang Nomor : 91/G/2019/PTUN.SMG, dilatarbelakangi ole...
AbstractState Administration Officials in issuing a State Administration Decree are often negligent ...
Jawaban yang diperoleh penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan adanya pengaturan di dalam UUPTUN ...
This study’s aim is to analyze how the concept development of State Administrative Decision (KTUN) i...
Historically, State Administrative Court (PTUN) has existed since 1986, with the enactment of Law Nu...
Salah satu prinsip penting dalam hukum administrasi negara adalah asas Presumptio Iustae Causa yang ...
ABSTRACT The principle that Indonesia is a rule of law means that all actions taken must be based on...
Penelitian ini bersumber pada putusan PTTUN Surabaya Nomor : 03/G.Pilkada/2015/PTTUN.SBY, yang bertu...