International audienceIn northern Europe, only few Eemian sedimentary sequences showing the Neanderthal's presence are attested. Therefore, the discovery at Waziers, in the Scarpe River valley, of a lot of flint artefacts within an alluvial sequence is remarkable.The thick alluvial sequence presents from the base to the top: 1) coarse fluvial deposits (lithological unit III); 2) organic silts (lithological unit IV); 3) peaty sediment (lithological unit V) with two archaeological levels (flint artefacts); 4) sand and loess sequence (lithological units VI and VII). The organic silts and peat units IV and V are correlated to the Eemian on the basis of a U/Th date on oogons of Characeae (minimum age: 103 +3.5/-3.4 ka), and the occurrence of the...