Waterfowl habitats, populations, and fluctuations were studied, from 1968 to 1971, in a 20,000 acre marsh on the Texas Gulf Coast. The marsh was type-mapped and 5 major vegetation zones were designated: 1) intermediate marsh; 2) saltwater marsh; 3) freshwater marsh; 4) wooded swamp; 5) controlled waterlevel salt marsh. A total of 55 plant species occurred on the study area. Paspalum lividum was the major species constituting 27.8 percent of the vegetative composition. Major species of the vegetation zones were Paspalum lividum in zones 1, 2, and 5; Alternanthera philoxeroides in zone 3, and Phyla lanceolate in zone 4. Coefficients of similarity, calculated for comparison of vegetation zones, ranged from 0.0 to 0.366. Soil salinity and pH va...