The Garden is a graphic novel written by Sean Michael Wilson and illustrated by Fumio Obata. It is a story of growth and healing through mindfulness and gardening. The story centres on Joanna, a British businesswoman who’s been signed off work from a high-powered finance job following a breakdown. Seeking more than just something to pass the time, she travels to Japan to immerse herself in zen gardening and meditation before returning home to nurture her own Japanese garden and her soul
"For centuries, the garden has been regarded as a mirror of society, a microcosm, in which the broad...
In my diploma thesis, I deal with the topic of the garden as it is presented in Frances Hodgson Burn...
In 2008, Jill Randall was commissioned by the Richard Attenborough Centre to make new site-specific ...
The Garden is a graphic novel written by Sean Michael Wilson and illustrated by Fumio Obata. It is a... (Mg) is simple-to-use software for creating online environments that encourage offline a...
Loving a master Gardener who cares for the sparrows involves noticing the garden. Posting about ...
This story moves between a back alley in Montréal and a farm in BC, a mountain in a city and the for...
Yolaine Escande (2013), Jardins de sagesse en Chine et au Japon, Paris, éditions du Seuil, 144 p. Ch...
This innovative book poses two, deceptively simple, questions: what is a sculpture garden, and what ...
This thesis offers interconnected reflections on the liminal space called a garden—the boundary spac...
Text about the workshop: A multi-sensory online event, transporting you from the depths of Winter to...
The Good Gardener? Nature, Humanity, and the Garden illuminates both the foundations and after-effec...
Much of my work utilizes interactive aspects in order to directly establish connections and opportun...
John Cage’s interest in Japanese gardens came to the fore in the series of instrumental works Ryoanj...
Linn Botanic Gardens is a place like no other: a magical, idiosyncratic, verdant haven created by th...
"For centuries, the garden has been regarded as a mirror of society, a microcosm, in which the broad...
In my diploma thesis, I deal with the topic of the garden as it is presented in Frances Hodgson Burn...
In 2008, Jill Randall was commissioned by the Richard Attenborough Centre to make new site-specific ...
The Garden is a graphic novel written by Sean Michael Wilson and illustrated by Fumio Obata. It is a... (Mg) is simple-to-use software for creating online environments that encourage offline a...
Loving a master Gardener who cares for the sparrows involves noticing the garden. Posting about ...
This story moves between a back alley in Montréal and a farm in BC, a mountain in a city and the for...
Yolaine Escande (2013), Jardins de sagesse en Chine et au Japon, Paris, éditions du Seuil, 144 p. Ch...
This innovative book poses two, deceptively simple, questions: what is a sculpture garden, and what ...
This thesis offers interconnected reflections on the liminal space called a garden—the boundary spac...
Text about the workshop: A multi-sensory online event, transporting you from the depths of Winter to...
The Good Gardener? Nature, Humanity, and the Garden illuminates both the foundations and after-effec...
Much of my work utilizes interactive aspects in order to directly establish connections and opportun...
John Cage’s interest in Japanese gardens came to the fore in the series of instrumental works Ryoanj...
Linn Botanic Gardens is a place like no other: a magical, idiosyncratic, verdant haven created by th...
"For centuries, the garden has been regarded as a mirror of society, a microcosm, in which the broad...
In my diploma thesis, I deal with the topic of the garden as it is presented in Frances Hodgson Burn...
In 2008, Jill Randall was commissioned by the Richard Attenborough Centre to make new site-specific ...