1095650310746505Final reportPDFTech ReportDOT/FRA/ORD-07/24DOT-VNTSC-FRA-08-01RR28/EB035CrashworthinessFinite element methodImpact testsRailroad facilitiesRailroad grade crossingsRailroad safetyRailroad transportationState of the artUnited States. Federal Railroad Administration. Office of Research and DevelopmentTyrell, DavidMartinez, EloyJacobsen, KarinaPerlman, BenjaminUnited States. Federal Railroad AdministrationJohn A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.)Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Technical Reference CenterTwo full-scale oblique grade crossing impact tests were conducted in June 2002 to compare the crashworthiness performance of alternative corner post designs on rail passenger cab cars. On June 4, 20...