Set of 14 letters to and from George D. Pyper during the period of 1916 to1928. Includes a letter (handwritten and a typed copy) from Heber J. Grant in November of 1916; a thank-you card from Robert R. Anderson and family; a 1920 letter from C. B. Hawley, chairman of War Camp Community Service; letter dated 29 Dec. 1920 on Utah-Idaho Sugar Company from Horace B. Whitney, administrator of his father's estate; letter dated 12 Oct. 1921 on "Council of the Twelve" stationery from John A. Widtsoe concerning the Juvenile Instructor; a letter of 14 June 1922 from James Shesgreen, secretary of the Hot Air Club, inviting Pyper to become a member; letter of 4 May 1925 from Lewis Anderson, President of the Manti Temple to Apostle George F. Richards co...