Three Eagle Scouts receive their awards, Jerry G. Millecam John D. Goodman and Quentin B. Price
Boy Scouts were awarded badges at the Court of Honor at the Maeser Chapel. From left, front row, uni...
Brent Merrill and Forest Crofts earn Eagle Scout awards. Brent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merr...
Larry Hacking, far left receives his Eagle Scout award. With him are Charley Palmer and Woodrow Whit...
Three Eagle Scouts receive their awards, Jerry G. Millecam John D. Goodman and Quentin B. Price
Rulon Dean Skinner salutes new Eagle Scouts at court of honor. Left to right: Muriel Wallis, Budge W...
Three boys from Vernal earned their Eagle Scout. From left are Gary Hatch, Jeff Jenkins and Alan Whi...
Five Boys Scouts were awarded their Eagle awards at the District Scout Court of Honor. From left are...
A record number of Boy Scouts earned thier Eagle awards. Boy Scouts from left are, Rick Bell, Jeff J...
Jerry Murray, Troop 253 of Lapoint, and Donald Heed of Ballard Post 2252 earned their Eagle Scout aw...
Frank Slaugh, Marvin Rust and Kenneth Winder earned and were rewarded their Eagle Scout awards. Marv...
A new recipient of the Eagle Scout Award is Jim B. Goodman. He is the son of Barney and Leah Goodman
Two Jacksonville Boy Scouts received top awards during a special Church Court of Honor held at Wests...
Eagle Scouts receiving their Eagle Badges are Rodney Cook, Allan Ingram, Neil Bastian, Ronald Perry ...
Admiring trophies and awards to be presented to the outstanding scout and troop in the Uintah Distri...
Cole C. Hacking, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Hacking, and Mark L. Pederson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Pe...
Boy Scouts were awarded badges at the Court of Honor at the Maeser Chapel. From left, front row, uni...
Brent Merrill and Forest Crofts earn Eagle Scout awards. Brent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merr...
Larry Hacking, far left receives his Eagle Scout award. With him are Charley Palmer and Woodrow Whit...
Three Eagle Scouts receive their awards, Jerry G. Millecam John D. Goodman and Quentin B. Price
Rulon Dean Skinner salutes new Eagle Scouts at court of honor. Left to right: Muriel Wallis, Budge W...
Three boys from Vernal earned their Eagle Scout. From left are Gary Hatch, Jeff Jenkins and Alan Whi...
Five Boys Scouts were awarded their Eagle awards at the District Scout Court of Honor. From left are...
A record number of Boy Scouts earned thier Eagle awards. Boy Scouts from left are, Rick Bell, Jeff J...
Jerry Murray, Troop 253 of Lapoint, and Donald Heed of Ballard Post 2252 earned their Eagle Scout aw...
Frank Slaugh, Marvin Rust and Kenneth Winder earned and were rewarded their Eagle Scout awards. Marv...
A new recipient of the Eagle Scout Award is Jim B. Goodman. He is the son of Barney and Leah Goodman
Two Jacksonville Boy Scouts received top awards during a special Church Court of Honor held at Wests...
Eagle Scouts receiving their Eagle Badges are Rodney Cook, Allan Ingram, Neil Bastian, Ronald Perry ...
Admiring trophies and awards to be presented to the outstanding scout and troop in the Uintah Distri...
Cole C. Hacking, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Hacking, and Mark L. Pederson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Pe...
Boy Scouts were awarded badges at the Court of Honor at the Maeser Chapel. From left, front row, uni...
Brent Merrill and Forest Crofts earn Eagle Scout awards. Brent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merr...
Larry Hacking, far left receives his Eagle Scout award. With him are Charley Palmer and Woodrow Whit...