Volume5/2005_July26U N I V E R S I T Y OF U T A H A H E A L T H S C I E N C ES July 26, 2005 J an is Weis Receives Watkins Endowed Chair Janis Weis, Ph. D., professor of pathology, has been named the third recipient of the C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Endowed Chair honoring U pathologist Ernst J. Eichwald, M. D. " This recognizes the outstanding contributions made in the areas of research, teaching, and administration by Dr. Weis," said Peter E. Jensen M. D., professor and chair of the Pathology Department. " She is very deserving of this prestigious award." Weis is an internationally recognized leader in micro-bial pathogenesis and immunology and has published numerous articles in peer- reviewed journals. She also collaborates extensive...