Volume5/2001_October08SALT LAKE 2002 PARALYMPICS October 8, 2001 PULSE SALT LAKE 2002 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER SOM Names Chair of Oncological Sciences Barbara J. Graves, Ph. D., has been appointed chair of the Depart-ment of Oncological Sciences at the School of Medicine, pending ap-proval by the Board of Trustees. A member of the U faculty since 1986, she became a professor in 1997 and previously served as department vice chair and acting chair. Air Team Volunteers on Ground AirMed to the rescue ~ instead of the usual flight suits and emergency equipment, they sported orange vests and trash bags on the freeway on Sept. 29. A few months ago AirMed adopted a two- mile stretch of highway on 1- 15 near Draper and Bluffdale. Th...