Volume5/2005_May02Thank you, Nurses Take time this week to say thanks to some of the 1,065 nurses at U Hospitals & Clinics who work to give paitents the best care. The hospital is celebrating Nurses Week, May 2- 8, with displays and awards from the hospital's Nurse Retention Council. Many of U Hospitals & Clinics nurses, including MICU's April Gundersen, R. N., will be showcased in photographs captured in a photo essay, " A Day in the Life of Nursing." Photos will be displayed on the hospital's A level near the visitor elevators and the cafeteria, and on UH's third floor. May 2, 2005 IpCSE V UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER U of U Seeks Input For NCAA Certification The U of U is soliciting com-ment regarding a campuswide study of t...