An 81-year-old woman presents with a one-month history of blurred vision OS, acutely worse in thepast 5 days. She reports pain with left gaze, left sided forehead tenderness and some weightloss. Medical history includes hypertension, borderline diabetes, cerebral vascular accident and basalcell carcinoma of the face. Her medications include rivaroxaban, metoprolol, atorvastatin andomeprazole. Visual acuity is 20/20 OD and light perception OS. Color vision is 11/11 OD and 0/11OS. Confrontational fields are full in the right eye and non-recordable in the left eye. Pupils arereactive and equal OU, with a greater than 1.2 log unit APD OS. Anterior segment exam revealsbilateral intraocular lenses. Dilated exam: OD is unremarkable, and OS is note...