This 32-year-old woman was referred with a history of 4 days of loss of vision OD. She had a history of manic depressive illness and IV drug abuse; she had been HIV tested 4 weeks before and was negative. She said she last injected cocaine 5 days before being seen, the night before she awoke with the visual loss. She passed out and awoke blind in the right eye. She said that she had fallen asleep on the edge of her kitchen sink, with her right eye down. There was no other ocular history, and she thought that her vision was slightly better now. Her examination showed acuities of HM OD, 20/30 OS, with Ishihara plates 0/10 OD, 10/10 OS. The pupils were 4/4, sluggish OD, with a +3 APD OD. There was a 3 mm of proptosis OD with normal retropulsio...