A binder of manuscripts by Frank A. Beckwith that had been rejected by editors. They include: "Wings and bouncing echoes scout for oil," about prospecting for oil fields in the area around Delta, Millard County, Utah; "Scientists on the desert," a two-part article about a paleontology expedition in 1930 that included Frank Beckwith and Dr. Charles E. Resser, Smithsonian curator, and Dr. Riuji Endo, Japaniese geologist, which also includes another episode involving Beckwith and his friend Charles Kelly; "Fruita Natural Bridge (Pai-Soka) as seen from an airplane," which describes an aerial photograph Beckwith took; "Small fossils in Millard County," about Cambrian-era trilobites; and "Millard County's very own 'lost Spanish mine'." Each is ac...