The manner in which cyclists visually perceive elements of the urban environment plays an important role in bicycle crashes, which have been increasing in recent years. Yet, how visual information is processed by the user while riding a bike is still poorly analyzed by researchers. This study investigates cyclists’ eye gaze behavior at signalized intersections taking into account a set of gaze characteristics. Recording cyclist’s visual fixations by mobile-eye glasses in a real outdoor environment, a total of 13 field tests have been analyzed along a three-kilometer route in the urban center of Bologna, Italy. Findings reveal key differences in gaze behavior by experience level of the cyclist and type of intersection
Cycling and walking are typical forms of local locomotion. especially common in the urban environmen...
Failure to perform appropriate visual checks at intersections may have contributed to the 2069 cycli...
The number of single-bicycle crash victims is substantial in countries with high levels of cycling. ...
The manner in which cyclists visually perceive elements of the urban environment plays an important ...
The increase of cyclist presence in urban areas and of the number of cyclist accidents on roads lead...
Contemporary cities are home to an increasing number of cyclists. The gaze behavior of cyclists has ...
Research indicates that crashes between cyclists and car drivers occur even when the cyclist must ha...
Research indicates that crashes between a cyclist and a car often occur even when the cyclist must h...
This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of some mid-block bicycle crossing elements by anal...
We investigated the relation of risk perception and gaze behavior during urban cycling in a naturali...
International audienceIn this paper, we contribute an eye tracking study conducted with pedestrians ...
The safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), such as pedestrians and cyclists, is highly jeopardized ...
The transition period towards large-scale or full automated driving will pose specific challenges. O...
Objective The current study investigated the behaviour and visual attention of two groups of drive...
Crash data indicate that attention misallocation is a major factor in crashes with vulnerable road u...
Cycling and walking are typical forms of local locomotion. especially common in the urban environmen...
Failure to perform appropriate visual checks at intersections may have contributed to the 2069 cycli...
The number of single-bicycle crash victims is substantial in countries with high levels of cycling. ...
The manner in which cyclists visually perceive elements of the urban environment plays an important ...
The increase of cyclist presence in urban areas and of the number of cyclist accidents on roads lead...
Contemporary cities are home to an increasing number of cyclists. The gaze behavior of cyclists has ...
Research indicates that crashes between cyclists and car drivers occur even when the cyclist must ha...
Research indicates that crashes between a cyclist and a car often occur even when the cyclist must h...
This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of some mid-block bicycle crossing elements by anal...
We investigated the relation of risk perception and gaze behavior during urban cycling in a naturali...
International audienceIn this paper, we contribute an eye tracking study conducted with pedestrians ...
The safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), such as pedestrians and cyclists, is highly jeopardized ...
The transition period towards large-scale or full automated driving will pose specific challenges. O...
Objective The current study investigated the behaviour and visual attention of two groups of drive...
Crash data indicate that attention misallocation is a major factor in crashes with vulnerable road u...
Cycling and walking are typical forms of local locomotion. especially common in the urban environmen...
Failure to perform appropriate visual checks at intersections may have contributed to the 2069 cycli...
The number of single-bicycle crash victims is substantial in countries with high levels of cycling. ...