65 13th [mild] [ ] [ ] [wind] [all] the night & day. Crossed over to the [Tuolumne] valley [of] [ ] [between] Matterhorn creek & divide Gls [Glaciers] here were broad & [shallow] Beautiful gl [glacier] basin on [S] [south] of Mammoth Mtn [Mountain] Also two very large with fluted sides. Crater like belonging to great Tuol [Tuolumne] Valley. Rocks lifted by ice in winter from freezing of [sm] [small] cracks Also where domed in structure slid down mtn [mountain] side after manner of avalanche. May be known from earthquake avals [avalanches] by polished side remaining uppermost The air on divide full of insects & [when] seen in the [sunlight] with the protected by crest of mtn [mountain] they all appear like [transparent] flecks of silver So a...