5 8 gls [glaciers] wildly shattered rims casting sharp [sky] shadows on snow The great Vall [Valley] of Joaquin [canyon] from vast field of snowy peaks nameless & unnumbered with gray domes [ ] [ ] trees of the rills of Merced flowing from lakes [ ] gathering to Yo [Yosemite] top & beyond Yo Sem [Yosemite] Gl [glacial] basins with fluted sides now streaked with snow 12 July 73 In Yo [Yosemite] range rising massively against the sky on E [East] Still has few patches of snow Pale faint coast [range] on S [South] S [South] [1st] Matterhorn [] [] me for [when] [ ] [ ] upon [ ] [ ] Surrounding [] [] [] In grand [countless] peaks [Dana] & [red] [not] [ ] & [marched ] [] giant gl [glacier] [] [][to a][] of [] [MC…] [ ] [jagged] [edged] [pyramid]...