Kilmarnock,8th Feb. 1888.My dear Sir:Thanks for your kind and characteristic letter. Thanks also for your paper on the Big Trees which I have read with much interest. You may be interested to know exactly how it grows in Auld Scotia. I give you the most favorable example I am acquainted with in our neighborhood (Ayrshire). One was planted at Laufine (about 400 feet above sea-level) in 1856. It was in 1884, when I measured it, 28 1/2 feet in height, was a close mass of foliage from tip to the ground, was 10 feet 11 inches in girth at the base, and 5 feet 3 inches in firth five feet from the ground. Is that not well for Scotland. Could California beat it? I doubt not that in California it might grow faster; but would its proportions be bett...