To explore, enjoy, and render accessible the mountain regions of the Pacific Coast; to publish authentic information concerning them; to enlist the support and co-operation of the people and the Government in preserving the forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Board of Directors-1911-1912Mr. John Muir, President . . . . Martinez Prof. A. G. McAdie, Vice-President San Francisco Prof. J. N. Le Conte, Treasurer . . . Berkeley Mr. William E. Colby, Secretary . . San Francisco Prof. Wm. F. Bade . . . . . . Berkeley Prof. Vernon L. Kellogg . . Stanford University Vice Prof. E. C. Franklin, resignedProf. W. C Morgan . . . . . . Berkeley Mr. E. T. Parsons ....SanFrancisco Mr. Willoughby Rodman . . . Los AngelesOu...