Artikkel käsitleb linnade kujutamist Nõukogude Eesti luules aastatel 1940–1955, analüüsimiseks on võetud sel ajal ilmunud luuleraamatud. Eestis kuulutati siis üldkehtivaks kirjanduslikuks meetodiks sotsialistlik realism. Esteetilised printsiibid kujunesid siiski kirjandusliku praktika käigus, sageli kirjutati luuletusi Moskvast ja Leningradist ning nende eeskujul õpiti kujutama ka kohalikke Eesti linnu eesotsas Tallinnaga. Linnaruum – nagu teisedki stalinistliku kultuuri komponendid – oli politiseeritud, mis tähendas esimeses järjekorras sakraliseeritud ruumimudeli ülekannet tekstidesse. The article aims to give a survey of cities and urban spaces appearing in Soviet Estonian poetry of the Stalinist period. All in all, 93 Estonian-la...
This article focuses on how and why the centre and periphery of Estonian exile literature were forme...
The article surveys the depiction of Russia and Russians in the Estonian travelogues published durin...
Looking through the prism of USSR national policy the article analyzes the reconstruction of Stalini...
The presented research focuses on the alteration of Estonian city space awareness within the period ...
The article deals with the relationship between the literature of the Estonian diaspora in the West ...
The presented paper focuses on Estonian urban space research concerning both replacement of urban he...
“The city is a state of mind,” observed the American urban sociologist Robert Ezra Park (Bennett et ...
The Second World War had a major impact on Estonian society and culture. Estonia was one of the stat...
Of the So-Called Soviet Estonian literature. The aim of Socialist Realism was not to define aestheti...
The article deals with the history of Vilnius public spaces during early years of the Soviet occupat...
Artikkeli käsittelee neuvostokalevalaisen runouden eli sosialistisen ideologian mukaisesti virittyne...
Estonian Community houses were built in towns and the countryside by local people, who joined cultur...
Artikkel keskendub nõukogudeaegse, eriti stalinistliku perioodi ühismajandi mudeli põhjalloodud spet...
Tallinn, Estonia features one of the best-preserved old towns in Europe. The central part of the ci...
My article is a study of Finnish literary activities in Soviet Karelia. I analyze what kinds of mean...
This article focuses on how and why the centre and periphery of Estonian exile literature were forme...
The article surveys the depiction of Russia and Russians in the Estonian travelogues published durin...
Looking through the prism of USSR national policy the article analyzes the reconstruction of Stalini...
The presented research focuses on the alteration of Estonian city space awareness within the period ...
The article deals with the relationship between the literature of the Estonian diaspora in the West ...
The presented paper focuses on Estonian urban space research concerning both replacement of urban he...
“The city is a state of mind,” observed the American urban sociologist Robert Ezra Park (Bennett et ...
The Second World War had a major impact on Estonian society and culture. Estonia was one of the stat...
Of the So-Called Soviet Estonian literature. The aim of Socialist Realism was not to define aestheti...
The article deals with the history of Vilnius public spaces during early years of the Soviet occupat...
Artikkeli käsittelee neuvostokalevalaisen runouden eli sosialistisen ideologian mukaisesti virittyne...
Estonian Community houses were built in towns and the countryside by local people, who joined cultur...
Artikkel keskendub nõukogudeaegse, eriti stalinistliku perioodi ühismajandi mudeli põhjalloodud spet...
Tallinn, Estonia features one of the best-preserved old towns in Europe. The central part of the ci...
My article is a study of Finnish literary activities in Soviet Karelia. I analyze what kinds of mean...
This article focuses on how and why the centre and periphery of Estonian exile literature were forme...
The article surveys the depiction of Russia and Russians in the Estonian travelogues published durin...
Looking through the prism of USSR national policy the article analyzes the reconstruction of Stalini...