SWOSU’s Phi Beta Lambda chapter is getting ready to host the Oklahoma PBL fall conference on the Weatherford campus. Officers include officers (front from left): Sloane Wellner, Holden (MO), SGA Representative; Kelsey Zybach, Briscoe (TX), president; and faculty advisor Dr. Patsy Parker. Back from left--Monica Roper, Edmond, treasurer; Kelsey Boone, Vici, vice president; Dalton Holdge, Ft. Cobb, fundraising chair; Morgan Gould, Lone Wolf, secretary; and faculty advisor Dr. Tami Moser. Not pictured are webmaster/historian David Cline of Lone Wolf and public relations chair Heather Leach of Owasso.https://dc.swosu.edu/barkpic09/1288/thumbnail.jp