Summarization: A MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) is by far the most common transistor in digital circuits, as hundreds of thousands or millions of them may be included in a memory chip or microprocessor. Since they can be made with either p-type or n-type doped semiconductors, complementary pairs of MOS transistors can be used to make switching circuits with very low power consumption, in the form of CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) logic. The same transistors are used to implement analog circuitry, co-integrated with the digital circuits, to form systems-on-chip (SoCs). Nowadays, many integrated circuits are designed to operate in radiation environments such as aircraft, medical, space, nuclear appl...
Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms are commonly seen in schizophrenia. These...
In the current thesis, synthesis (under polyol process), characterization and bioapplications of hyd...
The evolution of mobile-wireless computing systems have triggered the development of new cryptograph...
The primary purpose of this doctoral thesis is the research, development and presentation of process...
The goal of the present research is the synthesis, study, physicochemical characterization and deter...
Lignocellulosic biomass is the only economically sustainable renewable source of carbon that can lea...
Introduction and aims of study: Acute pancreatitis is the most common complication of endoscopic ret...
In fifteen ASA I-II patients, we studied the administration of combined general and epidural anaesth...
Intervertebral discs (IVD) degeneration is common spine disorder resulting in potential seriouscompl...
The data presented in this PhD thesis is part of a multidisciplinary project that received funding f...
Tumor microenvironment is of outmost importance, considering the fact that cancer cells recruit norm...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually incorporating multiple environmental, people, or industria...
The main objectives of this thesis were: α) to investigate the levels and behaviour of heavy metals ...
In the present thesis, a synthesis of 3-hydroxy fatty acids was carried out, with the aim of using t...
The purpose of the present thesis is to study the effect of electromagnetic radiation from wireless ...
Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms are commonly seen in schizophrenia. These...
In the current thesis, synthesis (under polyol process), characterization and bioapplications of hyd...
The evolution of mobile-wireless computing systems have triggered the development of new cryptograph...
The primary purpose of this doctoral thesis is the research, development and presentation of process...
The goal of the present research is the synthesis, study, physicochemical characterization and deter...
Lignocellulosic biomass is the only economically sustainable renewable source of carbon that can lea...
Introduction and aims of study: Acute pancreatitis is the most common complication of endoscopic ret...
In fifteen ASA I-II patients, we studied the administration of combined general and epidural anaesth...
Intervertebral discs (IVD) degeneration is common spine disorder resulting in potential seriouscompl...
The data presented in this PhD thesis is part of a multidisciplinary project that received funding f...
Tumor microenvironment is of outmost importance, considering the fact that cancer cells recruit norm...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually incorporating multiple environmental, people, or industria...
The main objectives of this thesis were: α) to investigate the levels and behaviour of heavy metals ...
In the present thesis, a synthesis of 3-hydroxy fatty acids was carried out, with the aim of using t...
The purpose of the present thesis is to study the effect of electromagnetic radiation from wireless ...
Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms are commonly seen in schizophrenia. These...
In the current thesis, synthesis (under polyol process), characterization and bioapplications of hyd...
The evolution of mobile-wireless computing systems have triggered the development of new cryptograph...