Brojne biljne vrste (najvećim dijelom iz porodica Boraginaceae, Asteraceae i Fabaceae) proizvode pirolizidinske alkaloide (PA) te su široko rasprostranjene diljem svijeta. Većina PA pokazuje ne samo toksični, već i kancerogeni, mutageni i teratogeni učinak. PA mogu potencijalno kontaminirati usjeve i tako uzrokovati brojne zdravstvene poteškoće kod ljudi i stoke. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi prisutnost PA biljaka na području ekološkog uzgoja kamilice (unutar i u neposrednoj blizini usjeva). Provedeno je florističko istraživanje s naglaskom na PA biljne vrste koje su kartirane direktno koristeći GPS uređaj. Zabilježena je 71 svojta od kojih tri biljne vrste koje sadrže PA: Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill, Symphytum officinale L. and Symphytum ...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) are secondary plant metabolites. In certain types of honey in particula...
The current research focused on the ethnobotanical uses and context of the anticholinergic members o...
Monografija je nastala v okviru projekta ŠIPK z naslovom »Cianogeni glikozidi v rastlinah iz družine...
Pirolizidinski alkaloidi su tvari koje prirodno nalazimo u nekim biljnim vrstama (pretežito vrste po...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloïden (PA's) zijn secundaire plant metabolieten die geproduceerd worden door een ...
Pirolizidinski alkaloidi (PA) so pogosto pojavljajoči se sekundarni metaboliti rastlin, ki lahko pov...
Among the diversity of secondary metabolites which are produced by plants as means of defence agains...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are heterocyclic secondary metabolites with a typical pyrrolizidine mo...
More than 350 PAs have been identified in over 6,000 plants in the Boraginaceae, Compositae, and Leg...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are secondary metabolites of plant families such as Asteraceae or Bora...
Mnogobrojne su biljne vrste od davnina korištene u suzbijanju različitih bolesti i štetnika. Njihovu...
Se expenden en el comercio local algunas plantas medicinales que contienen alcaloides pirrolizidínic...
Due to the lack of information on the influence of environmental factors on the accumulation of pyrr...
Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium Vis.) is endemic plant to Montenegro, Croatia and Albania. I...
During the floristic research of different habitat types of Plešivica hills, the floristic compositi...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) are secondary plant metabolites. In certain types of honey in particula...
The current research focused on the ethnobotanical uses and context of the anticholinergic members o...
Monografija je nastala v okviru projekta ŠIPK z naslovom »Cianogeni glikozidi v rastlinah iz družine...
Pirolizidinski alkaloidi su tvari koje prirodno nalazimo u nekim biljnim vrstama (pretežito vrste po...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloïden (PA's) zijn secundaire plant metabolieten die geproduceerd worden door een ...
Pirolizidinski alkaloidi (PA) so pogosto pojavljajoči se sekundarni metaboliti rastlin, ki lahko pov...
Among the diversity of secondary metabolites which are produced by plants as means of defence agains...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are heterocyclic secondary metabolites with a typical pyrrolizidine mo...
More than 350 PAs have been identified in over 6,000 plants in the Boraginaceae, Compositae, and Leg...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are secondary metabolites of plant families such as Asteraceae or Bora...
Mnogobrojne su biljne vrste od davnina korištene u suzbijanju različitih bolesti i štetnika. Njihovu...
Se expenden en el comercio local algunas plantas medicinales que contienen alcaloides pirrolizidínic...
Due to the lack of information on the influence of environmental factors on the accumulation of pyrr...
Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerarifolium Vis.) is endemic plant to Montenegro, Croatia and Albania. I...
During the floristic research of different habitat types of Plešivica hills, the floristic compositi...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) are secondary plant metabolites. In certain types of honey in particula...
The current research focused on the ethnobotanical uses and context of the anticholinergic members o...
Monografija je nastala v okviru projekta ŠIPK z naslovom »Cianogeni glikozidi v rastlinah iz družine...