Maud Doty, veteran of 25 years, is cited by national home demons [sic]; Wool growers' '46 meet features 'biggest ever' show and school; Mister Joe goes to town; Farm goals set near '45 level; Soil saver wins; 'Times' backs farm research; From the bottom of the deck...; Extension peacetime program faces change, new impetus; Agriculture--On the air; Collegiate 4-H alums reorganize, stuff cowhands at Aggie corral; Tuition's no problem for Norman; 4-H leaders ride again; It's pay day for 4-H calf grower; Wayne warns farmers to buy cotton seed now; Ivy? Sure, and they eat hay too; Germination, purity of seeds tested in new State College lab; ACA farm news; Woman leader's work pays off; Get goin [sic], hens, profits slim now; Orchards can be good...