Truckers gross $3,000,000 in '45; Married veterans get a break, A&M gets units; Extension job holds spotlight; Stop inflation, it can wreck you; From the bottom of the deck; Noche buena for Dona Antonia, she met Christmas with arms open; Agriculture--On the air; Hughs announces finalists in state 4-H contests; Wanted: Couple of able idealists; Now A&M Home Eccers can qualify in dietetics; 4-H'ers start your calves right; Schools work to keep pot boiling; 242 layers from Clark flock earn ROP rating; Posts ailin'? See Ball; Livestock--Calendar; Wool men plan big show in '46; Water's the word in Macho district; Home agents to compete in first style show; Hungry for sweets? Try these taste-tested recipes; High production needed in 1946; Soil co...