W krajach rozwiniętych i rozwijających się obserwuje się rosnącą zachorowalność na choroby metaboliczne: cukrzycę typu 1 i 2, dyslipidemie, zespół metaboliczny. Towarzyszy temu wzrost ilości leków pobieranych przez pacjentów. Od 3% do 5% hospitalizacji jest skutkiem poważnych interakcji między lekami. Leki reagują nie tylko między sobą, ale również ze składnikami pożywienia. Oddziaływanie to może w różny sposób wpłynąć na działanie leku — wzmocnić je, osłabić lub całkowicie zmienić. Interakcja to zjawisko farmakologiczne polegające na zmianie siły, czasu, sposobu działania lub toksyczności jednego leku przez inny lek lub czynnik, na przykład pokarm. Interakcje mogą mieć miejsce we wszystkich fazach i etapach przemiany farmakometabolicznej l...
Introduction: The term “metabolic syndrome” describes the coexistence of related risk factors which...
One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease is hypertension. Due to the global spread i...
The World Health Organization reports that about half of the patients treated with medicaments take ...
The ageing society and the growing problem of fragility syndrome necessitate the long-term use of ca...
Obesity is nowadays one of the most common diseases. According to data from 2012, obesity is the fif...
A balanced diet has an important impact on the prevention and control of hypertension. The scientifi...
Lifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habi...
The purpose of antihypertensive drugs oral administration is achievement their maximum concentration...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasing problem in the modern world due toincreas...
Otyłość stanowi jeden z głównych problemów zdrowotnych XXI wieku. Na całym świecie podejmowane są dz...
W pracy przedstawiono ocenę wybranych żywieniowych czynników ryzyka rozwoju choroby niedokrwiennej s...
Introduction. Obesity is a serious health problem of the twenty-first century. The number of patient...
Excessive weight and obesity are currently among the most serious public heath problem. They are the...
Prevention is a key element of existence societies and quality of life. In this the most important r...
The concept of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) has a rich history. This term refers to several metabol...
Introduction: The term “metabolic syndrome” describes the coexistence of related risk factors which...
One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease is hypertension. Due to the global spread i...
The World Health Organization reports that about half of the patients treated with medicaments take ...
The ageing society and the growing problem of fragility syndrome necessitate the long-term use of ca...
Obesity is nowadays one of the most common diseases. According to data from 2012, obesity is the fif...
A balanced diet has an important impact on the prevention and control of hypertension. The scientifi...
Lifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habi...
The purpose of antihypertensive drugs oral administration is achievement their maximum concentration...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasing problem in the modern world due toincreas...
Otyłość stanowi jeden z głównych problemów zdrowotnych XXI wieku. Na całym świecie podejmowane są dz...
W pracy przedstawiono ocenę wybranych żywieniowych czynników ryzyka rozwoju choroby niedokrwiennej s...
Introduction. Obesity is a serious health problem of the twenty-first century. The number of patient...
Excessive weight and obesity are currently among the most serious public heath problem. They are the...
Prevention is a key element of existence societies and quality of life. In this the most important r...
The concept of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) has a rich history. This term refers to several metabol...
Introduction: The term “metabolic syndrome” describes the coexistence of related risk factors which...
One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease is hypertension. Due to the global spread i...
The World Health Organization reports that about half of the patients treated with medicaments take ...