This study has been carried out in order to determine knowledge level and applicationof Self Breast Check (SBC) and breast cancer of women over 20, in the areas MuglaCounty,Bayır, Yerkesik and Yeşilyurt Healt Center. [8]In the study 2181 women over 20 in Muğla county, Bayır, Yerkesik and Yeşilyurthealt center areas were given 45 survey questions which was composed of 16 guestions ondescription, 15 guestions on their information level and 14 questions Self Breast Check (SBC)and datas collected and assessed. [9]Of the women, ages education level,social security, income, marital statüs, number ofchilderen, main source of informatio, reasons of not applying SBC, SBC aplication ,relativeswith breast cancer, compered a meaningful difference ...