Red chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of vegetables that useful for Indonesian people. Red chilli contains high vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and beta-carotene that surpass fruits often consumed by people like papaya, mango, pineaple and watermelon. Red chilli easily rotten so scientist use sodium benzoate to preservate anti-fungi. Red chilli which use sodium benzoate stored in 10oC (freezer) with variate in one day, 5 days and 10 days saving. This research point is to know the impact of sodium benzoate, saving time, saving in the room teperature and saving in the freezer to the red chilli vitamin C level. This research is held in the Politeknik Kesehatan Palembang Jurusan Gizi Laboratory. The decision of the vitamin C level based on the iodin...