The position of Ki Hadjar Dewantara road is strategic location, where as an education center, office and residential center are often happened to increase in vehicle volume, especially during peak hour, consequently, this condition makes congestion on this road. There are ideas for road widening, moved side barriers and one.way traffic management, which are purposing to know traffic performance currently and generating a recommendation of traffic systems. By observations on traffic surveys were carried out on the road at 06.00 to 18.00 WIT. Traffic performance analysis is based on the 1997 Indonesia Road Capacity Manual (MKJI). The results of the Ki Hajar Dewantara road analysis showed a high level of side resistance with a value of degree ...
On the section at the signalized intersection of Jl. Abdullah Dg. Sirua – Jl. Adyaksa Baru Makassar ...
The Mandilaras roads are located in the hub of Pamekasan city. Surrounding by stores, pharmacy, hosp...
Pada awalnya jalan hanyalah sebuah jejak yang dilalui oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya...
This study aims to determine the characteristics of the Diponegoro road and to recognize the perform...
Traffic congestion is a common issue in big cities, especially for developing countries such as Indo...
Meningkatnya aktivitas perekonomian di wilayah Metropolitan Kedungsepur sebagai wilayah strategis na...
The creation of a transportation system that ensures the movement of people, vehicles, and or goods ...
Highways are transportation infrastructure that most important for transportation activity. The tran...
The use of land as a trade and service area contributes greatly to the development of urban economic...
Dengan meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan di Kota Medan sehingga pergerakan lalu lintas semakin meningkat...
Idi Rayek telah membuat Langkah besar di bidang bisnis, pendidikan, dan pariwisata. Seiring meningka...
Denpasar city is growing quite rapidly. The development is quite rapid followed by an increase in mo...
Pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan ...
Ruas Jalan Salak Raya dan ruas Jalan Mahakam merupakan kawasan perdagangan dan pendidikan. Bagian ja...
Jalan Lingkar Kudus merupakan jalan arteri primer yang menghubungkan lalu lintas dari ibukota provin...
On the section at the signalized intersection of Jl. Abdullah Dg. Sirua – Jl. Adyaksa Baru Makassar ...
The Mandilaras roads are located in the hub of Pamekasan city. Surrounding by stores, pharmacy, hosp...
Pada awalnya jalan hanyalah sebuah jejak yang dilalui oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya...
This study aims to determine the characteristics of the Diponegoro road and to recognize the perform...
Traffic congestion is a common issue in big cities, especially for developing countries such as Indo...
Meningkatnya aktivitas perekonomian di wilayah Metropolitan Kedungsepur sebagai wilayah strategis na...
The creation of a transportation system that ensures the movement of people, vehicles, and or goods ...
Highways are transportation infrastructure that most important for transportation activity. The tran...
The use of land as a trade and service area contributes greatly to the development of urban economic...
Dengan meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan di Kota Medan sehingga pergerakan lalu lintas semakin meningkat...
Idi Rayek telah membuat Langkah besar di bidang bisnis, pendidikan, dan pariwisata. Seiring meningka...
Denpasar city is growing quite rapidly. The development is quite rapid followed by an increase in mo...
Pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan ...
Ruas Jalan Salak Raya dan ruas Jalan Mahakam merupakan kawasan perdagangan dan pendidikan. Bagian ja...
Jalan Lingkar Kudus merupakan jalan arteri primer yang menghubungkan lalu lintas dari ibukota provin...
On the section at the signalized intersection of Jl. Abdullah Dg. Sirua – Jl. Adyaksa Baru Makassar ...
The Mandilaras roads are located in the hub of Pamekasan city. Surrounding by stores, pharmacy, hosp...
Pada awalnya jalan hanyalah sebuah jejak yang dilalui oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya...