The University Neighbourhood Association (UNA) is a non-for-profit organization that serves approximately 10,000 residents within the community of the University of British Columbia (UBC). UBC neighborhoods are representative of the diversity in Vancouver, and consists of significant immigrant populations from various backgrounds including Chinese, Korean, Persian and European. Although many programs have acknowledged the need for multiculturalism and diversity within physically activity, there is still a need to continually draw attention to the issues involved through research with different cultural groups (Frisby, 2011). In recent years, UNA has had growing difficulty reaching certain population groups within the community and as a resu...
The objective of this research project is to explore the recreation opportunities for Chinese and Ch...
Physical activity (PA) has proven time and time again to have countless positive effects on our heal...
The purpose of this project is to examine how UBC Varsity student-athletes understand and experience...
The University Neighbourhood Association (UNA) is a non-for-profit organization that serves approxim...
When critically studying interculturalism and its relation to recreational and physical activity opp...
The purpose of this paper is to understand the current level of interculturalism within the UBC var...
In this report ‘UBC SEEDS: Culture and Gender-Based Barriers,’ students at the University of British...
Over the last few decades there have been declining rates of active transportation among school chi...
Our CBEL project was the Interculturalism and Varsity Athletics: Evaluating Orientation Sessions. We...
This investigation aimed to evaluate the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) pilot program, Move ...
Objective: To understand the gaps in communication and programming at the University of British Colu...
Currently, UBC Recreation offers six Women’s Only Programs which include Women Only Fitness Hours, M...
In this report ‘Recreation Gaps Pilot Program Evaluation,’ self-identified female students attendin...
Purpose: The purpose of this project was to work with the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office and UBC Rec...
In partnership with the Social Ecological Economic Developments Studies (SEEDS) at the University of...
The objective of this research project is to explore the recreation opportunities for Chinese and Ch...
Physical activity (PA) has proven time and time again to have countless positive effects on our heal...
The purpose of this project is to examine how UBC Varsity student-athletes understand and experience...
The University Neighbourhood Association (UNA) is a non-for-profit organization that serves approxim...
When critically studying interculturalism and its relation to recreational and physical activity opp...
The purpose of this paper is to understand the current level of interculturalism within the UBC var...
In this report ‘UBC SEEDS: Culture and Gender-Based Barriers,’ students at the University of British...
Over the last few decades there have been declining rates of active transportation among school chi...
Our CBEL project was the Interculturalism and Varsity Athletics: Evaluating Orientation Sessions. We...
This investigation aimed to evaluate the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) pilot program, Move ...
Objective: To understand the gaps in communication and programming at the University of British Colu...
Currently, UBC Recreation offers six Women’s Only Programs which include Women Only Fitness Hours, M...
In this report ‘Recreation Gaps Pilot Program Evaluation,’ self-identified female students attendin...
Purpose: The purpose of this project was to work with the UBC Equity & Inclusion Office and UBC Rec...
In partnership with the Social Ecological Economic Developments Studies (SEEDS) at the University of...
The objective of this research project is to explore the recreation opportunities for Chinese and Ch...
Physical activity (PA) has proven time and time again to have countless positive effects on our heal...
The purpose of this project is to examine how UBC Varsity student-athletes understand and experience...