We prove several results giving new and stronger connections between learning theory, circuit complexity and pseudorandomness, including: 1. (Learning Speedups) Let C be any "typical" class of Boolean circuits, and C[s(n)] denote n-variable C-circuits of size at most s(n). If C[poly] admits a randomized weak learning algorithm under the uniform distribution with membership queries that runs in time 2^n/n^{\omega(1)}, then for every k and \varepsilon > 0 the class C[n^k] can be learned to high accuracy in time O(2^{n^\varepsilon}). 2.(Equivalences) There is \varepsilon > 0 such that C[2^{n^{\varepsilon}}] can be learned in time 2^n/n^{\omega(1)} if and only if C[poly] can be learned in time 2^{O((\log n)^c)}. Furthermore, our proof techniq...