A new type of fast "time-sorter" has been developed, employing a germanium diode as the detecting element. This instrument converts time delays between coincident events into a pulse amplitude distribution, which is then analyzed by a "kick-sorter", enabling a complete coincidence resolution curve to be recorded simultaneously. The resolution curves obtained with this apparatus were found to have half-widths of about 1 milli-microsecond, comparable with those obtained by delayed coincidence circuits. Using this time-sorter, the lifetimes of positrons in Aluminium and Mica were then studied. The positron life-time in Aluminium was obtained by measuring the centroid shifts between the coincidence resolution curves resulting from the observat...
This work addresses the use of plastic scintillators as an alternative to 3He detectors for radioact...
The origin of short‐lived components in the annihilation lifetime spectrum of positronium (Ps) is sh...
A novel method for direct electronic fast-timing lifetime measurements of nuclear excited states via...
A new type of fast "time-sorter" has been developed, employing a germanium diode as the detecting el...
Positron lifetimes in a variety of metals have been measured using a high-stability time sorter deve...
The writer has attempted to show in this thesis how the scintillation counter may be used for the me...
The lifetimes of nuclear excited states are important observables in nuclear physics. Their precise ...
A new intense positron beam lifetime spectrometer is being developed at the Reactor Institute Delft ...
An apparatus for the measurement of the lifetimes of gamma-ray transitions between nuclear excited s...
The electronic gamma-gamma fast-timing technique using arrays consisting of many LaBr3(Ce) detectors...
A prototype of a digital positron lifetime apparatus is presented. We demonstrate that direct digiti...
A delayed-coincidence timing spectrometer system was constructed to measure nuclear lifetimes in the...
The MEG experiment is now being upgraded to search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay μ+ ...
The spectral distribution of the flux of positrons inside a beta radioactive medium was experimental...
A positronium Time of Flight (TOF) apparatus, conceived to work with continuous positron beams of in...
This work addresses the use of plastic scintillators as an alternative to 3He detectors for radioact...
The origin of short‐lived components in the annihilation lifetime spectrum of positronium (Ps) is sh...
A novel method for direct electronic fast-timing lifetime measurements of nuclear excited states via...
A new type of fast "time-sorter" has been developed, employing a germanium diode as the detecting el...
Positron lifetimes in a variety of metals have been measured using a high-stability time sorter deve...
The writer has attempted to show in this thesis how the scintillation counter may be used for the me...
The lifetimes of nuclear excited states are important observables in nuclear physics. Their precise ...
A new intense positron beam lifetime spectrometer is being developed at the Reactor Institute Delft ...
An apparatus for the measurement of the lifetimes of gamma-ray transitions between nuclear excited s...
The electronic gamma-gamma fast-timing technique using arrays consisting of many LaBr3(Ce) detectors...
A prototype of a digital positron lifetime apparatus is presented. We demonstrate that direct digiti...
A delayed-coincidence timing spectrometer system was constructed to measure nuclear lifetimes in the...
The MEG experiment is now being upgraded to search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay μ+ ...
The spectral distribution of the flux of positrons inside a beta radioactive medium was experimental...
A positronium Time of Flight (TOF) apparatus, conceived to work with continuous positron beams of in...
This work addresses the use of plastic scintillators as an alternative to 3He detectors for radioact...
The origin of short‐lived components in the annihilation lifetime spectrum of positronium (Ps) is sh...
A novel method for direct electronic fast-timing lifetime measurements of nuclear excited states via...