Thirty-four dogs were anesthetized with sodium pentothal i.v. and maintained with i.v. alpha-chloralose. Neuro-muscular blockade was accomplished with gallamine triethiodide (Flaxedil). Respiratory PCO₂ was monitored continuously while artificial ventilation at a rate of 1 5 cpm and appropriate tidal volume was adjusted to maintain expiratory P CO₂ between 38 and 40 mm Hg. Blood gas analysis (P CO₂, PC₂ and pH) allowed maintenance of blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45 by periodic administration of i.v. sodium bicarbonate. Blood volume was maintained with Dextran 75 when necessary. Body temperature was monitored continuously with an esophageal thermister and maintained automatically with heating elements in the operating table. Arterial vascul...