© The Author(s) 2018. Wallwork et al. (2002, The trajectory and stability of a spiralling liquid jet. Part 1. Inviscid theory. J. Fluid Mech., 459, 43-65) and Decent et al. (2002, Free jets spun from a prilling tower. J. Eng. Math., 42, 265-282) developed an asymptotic method for describing the trajectory and instability of slender curved liquid jets. Decent et al. (2018, On mathematical approaches to modelling slender liquid jets with a curved trajectory. J. FluidMech., 844, 905-916.) showed that this method is accurate for slender curved jets when the torsion of the centreline of the jet is small or O(1), but the asymptotic method may become invalid when the torsion is asymptotically large. This paper examines the torsion for a slender st...