Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. «Welsh Iâl, Gaulish Names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the God Ialonus», Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 49, Summer 2005, 57-72. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 36, 2008. pp. 259-261
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser & Elaine Matthews (Ed.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volu...
Billy Pierre-Henri. Personal names Studies of Medieval Europe : Social Identity and Familial Structu...
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser et Elaine Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume I....
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. «Welsh Iâl, Gaulish Names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the Go...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Ellis Evans. Gaulish Personal Names. A Study of some Continental Celtic Formations...
More than forty years after the publication of D. Ellis Evans book, Gaulish Personal Names, the auth...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. Irish Influence on Medieval Welsh Literature. Oxford, Ox...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Alexander Falileiev, Celtic Dacia. Personal Names, Place-Names and Ethnic Names...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Alexander Falileiev, in collaboration with Ashwin E. Gohil and Naomi Ward, Dict...
The study of Celtic proper names in the Roman Empire is still in its infancy, but it has come far si...
Sims-Williams Patrick. A Turkish-Celtic problem in Chrétien de Troyes : The name Cligès. In: Etudes ...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams (éd.), Liber Coronacionis Britanorum. Aberystwyth, CMCS P...
Martin Alain. Peter MARSHALL Fraser & Elaine MATTHEWS, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume III...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. John T. Koch, An Atlas for Celtic Studies. Archaeology and Names in...
The etymology of the Insular Celtic name for «compagnon, client, spouse » . céile, W. cilydd, Bret. ...
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser & Elaine Matthews (Ed.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volu...
Billy Pierre-Henri. Personal names Studies of Medieval Europe : Social Identity and Familial Structu...
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser et Elaine Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume I....
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. «Welsh Iâl, Gaulish Names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the Go...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Ellis Evans. Gaulish Personal Names. A Study of some Continental Celtic Formations...
More than forty years after the publication of D. Ellis Evans book, Gaulish Personal Names, the auth...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. Irish Influence on Medieval Welsh Literature. Oxford, Ox...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Alexander Falileiev, Celtic Dacia. Personal Names, Place-Names and Ethnic Names...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Alexander Falileiev, in collaboration with Ashwin E. Gohil and Naomi Ward, Dict...
The study of Celtic proper names in the Roman Empire is still in its infancy, but it has come far si...
Sims-Williams Patrick. A Turkish-Celtic problem in Chrétien de Troyes : The name Cligès. In: Etudes ...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams (éd.), Liber Coronacionis Britanorum. Aberystwyth, CMCS P...
Martin Alain. Peter MARSHALL Fraser & Elaine MATTHEWS, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume III...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. John T. Koch, An Atlas for Celtic Studies. Archaeology and Names in...
The etymology of the Insular Celtic name for «compagnon, client, spouse » . céile, W. cilydd, Bret. ...
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser & Elaine Matthews (Ed.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volu...
Billy Pierre-Henri. Personal names Studies of Medieval Europe : Social Identity and Familial Structu...
Martin Alain. Peter Marshall Fraser et Elaine Matthews, A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume I....