Fleuriot Léon. D. Ellis Evans. Gaulish Personal Names. A Study of some Continental Celtic Formations. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1967. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 14, fascicule 1, 1974. pp. 295-296
The etymology of the Insular Celtic name for «compagnon, client, spouse » . céile, W. cilydd, Bret. ...
Flutre Louis-Fernand. Toponymes lozériens d’origine gauloise (à suivre). In: Revue Internationale d'...
Bachellery Édouard. XI. D. Simon Evans. Buched Dewi (la Vie galloise de saint David). Caerdydd, Gwas...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Ellis Evans. Gaulish Personal Names. A Study of some Continental Celtic Formations...
Evans D. Ellis. A comparison of the formation of some Continental and early Insular Celtic personal ...
More than forty years after the publication of D. Ellis Evans book, Gaulish Personal Names, the auth...
Evans D. Ellis. Nomina Celtica, I. Catamantaloedis, docnimarus, satigenus . In: Etudes Celtiques, vo...
Moindrot Claude. Géohistoire de l'Irlande : E. Estyn Evans, The Personality of Ireland. Habitat, Her...
Billy Pierre-Henri. Personal names Studies of Medieval Europe : Social Identity and Familial Structu...
Taverdet Gérard. Les toponymes gaulois en «NT». In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 25e année N°...
Bachellery Édouard. D. Simon Evans. Gramadeg Cymraeg Canol. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru (Grammaire du moye...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. «Welsh Iâl, Gaulish Names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the Go...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. John T. Koch, An Atlas for Celtic Studies. Archaeology and Names in...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Simon Evans. Historia Gruffudd Vab Kenan. Cardiff, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1977. In...
Evans D. Ellis. Nomina Celtica, II. Duratius, Tincorix, ?Celt. *baido-, W. Aladur. In: Etudes Celtiq...
The etymology of the Insular Celtic name for «compagnon, client, spouse » . céile, W. cilydd, Bret. ...
Flutre Louis-Fernand. Toponymes lozériens d’origine gauloise (à suivre). In: Revue Internationale d'...
Bachellery Édouard. XI. D. Simon Evans. Buched Dewi (la Vie galloise de saint David). Caerdydd, Gwas...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Ellis Evans. Gaulish Personal Names. A Study of some Continental Celtic Formations...
Evans D. Ellis. A comparison of the formation of some Continental and early Insular Celtic personal ...
More than forty years after the publication of D. Ellis Evans book, Gaulish Personal Names, the auth...
Evans D. Ellis. Nomina Celtica, I. Catamantaloedis, docnimarus, satigenus . In: Etudes Celtiques, vo...
Moindrot Claude. Géohistoire de l'Irlande : E. Estyn Evans, The Personality of Ireland. Habitat, Her...
Billy Pierre-Henri. Personal names Studies of Medieval Europe : Social Identity and Familial Structu...
Taverdet Gérard. Les toponymes gaulois en «NT». In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 25e année N°...
Bachellery Édouard. D. Simon Evans. Gramadeg Cymraeg Canol. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru (Grammaire du moye...
Lambert Pierre-Yves. Patrick Sims-Williams. «Welsh Iâl, Gaulish Names in Ial- and -ialo-, and the Go...
Raepsaet-Charlier Marie-Thérèse. John T. Koch, An Atlas for Celtic Studies. Archaeology and Names in...
Fleuriot Léon. D. Simon Evans. Historia Gruffudd Vab Kenan. Cardiff, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1977. In...
Evans D. Ellis. Nomina Celtica, II. Duratius, Tincorix, ?Celt. *baido-, W. Aladur. In: Etudes Celtiq...
The etymology of the Insular Celtic name for «compagnon, client, spouse » . céile, W. cilydd, Bret. ...
Flutre Louis-Fernand. Toponymes lozériens d’origine gauloise (à suivre). In: Revue Internationale d'...
Bachellery Édouard. XI. D. Simon Evans. Buched Dewi (la Vie galloise de saint David). Caerdydd, Gwas...