The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary products has convinced organizations worldwide to deploy Open Source Software (OSS) in their production environments and commercial offerings. Therefore, the ability to scale software, seamlessly integrate open source software in products and increase benefits from OSS participation are crucial capabilities. However, the nature of OSS is not entirely compatible with the rigid structures and processes of many large companies and thus successfully managing OSS has proven to be highly difficult. Previous research has shown that many companies have built previous success on ‘closed innovation’ logic and must now move in a highly counterintuitive di...
The main research interest in Open Source Software (OSS) has been in answering the questions of why ...
Open source programvare (OSS) har vært en viktig og økende del av innovasjon, utvikling og forskning...
Open source software (OSS) is probably the best known exemplar of open innovation, with many practit...
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary pr...
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open s...
Abstrakt Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka begreppet Open Source Software (OSS) ur ...
For the past decades, digitalization has been a growing trend in society. An increasingly common way...
Mitt lärdomsprov handlar om hur man med hjälp av avgiftsfria open source program kan bygga upp en ko...
Open Source Software (OSS) has become important to the software industry. A survey discovered that c...
The purpose of the study is partly to identify and describe the conditions that arenecessary for ICT...
Open source er anerkjent fenomen i programvareindustrien og -samfunnet på grunn av de svært innovati...
Open source eller öppen källkod innebär att vem som helst kan se, justera och dela koden. Företag, o...
Det råder idag stor splittring bland företagen i Sverige om huruvida de skall satsa på Open Source-b...
Open Source Software (OSS) is becoming a real alternative to proprietary software because of the att...
Open source software (OSS) is probably the best known exemplar of open innovation, with many practit...
The main research interest in Open Source Software (OSS) has been in answering the questions of why ...
Open source programvare (OSS) har vært en viktig og økende del av innovasjon, utvikling og forskning...
Open source software (OSS) is probably the best known exemplar of open innovation, with many practit...
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary pr...
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open s...
Abstrakt Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka begreppet Open Source Software (OSS) ur ...
For the past decades, digitalization has been a growing trend in society. An increasingly common way...
Mitt lärdomsprov handlar om hur man med hjälp av avgiftsfria open source program kan bygga upp en ko...
Open Source Software (OSS) has become important to the software industry. A survey discovered that c...
The purpose of the study is partly to identify and describe the conditions that arenecessary for ICT...
Open source er anerkjent fenomen i programvareindustrien og -samfunnet på grunn av de svært innovati...
Open source eller öppen källkod innebär att vem som helst kan se, justera och dela koden. Företag, o...
Det råder idag stor splittring bland företagen i Sverige om huruvida de skall satsa på Open Source-b...
Open Source Software (OSS) is becoming a real alternative to proprietary software because of the att...
Open source software (OSS) is probably the best known exemplar of open innovation, with many practit...
The main research interest in Open Source Software (OSS) has been in answering the questions of why ...
Open source programvare (OSS) har vært en viktig og økende del av innovasjon, utvikling og forskning...
Open source software (OSS) is probably the best known exemplar of open innovation, with many practit...