Open source programvare (OSS) har vært en viktig og økende del av innovasjon, utvikling og forskning innenfor informasjonsteknologi de siste tiårene. Metodologien har historisk bestått av hovedsakelig altruistisk motiverte deltakere, men i nyere tid har kommersielle selskaper gjort store investeringer i egne open source prosjekter, og som følge blitt del av en gruppe som tradisjonelt er kritiske til kommersiell programvareutvikling. Denne empiriske studien undersøker hvordan en så mangfoldig sammensetning av utviklere klarer å samarbeide på tross av forskjellige motivasjoner og insentiver ved å gjøre en case-studie på Googles rammeverk for maskinlæring, TensorFlow. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av TensorFlows utviklerforum viser at motivasjon...
The question of why so many developers dedicate time and effort into contributing to Open Source Pro...
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open s...
We provide a rationale for open source project participation by studying the decision problems of th...
Open source eller öppen källkod innebär att vem som helst kan se, justera och dela koden. Företag, o...
Kunskap om olika utvecklingsmetoder vid start av ett nytt mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt äravgörande för...
Open source er anerkjent fenomen i programvareindustrien og -samfunnet på grunn av de svært innovati...
The purpose of the study is partly to identify and describe the conditions that arenecessary for ICT...
Die Motivation von Open Source-SoftwareentwicklerInnen ist ein hoch-komplexes Konstrukt. Diese Arbei...
ABSTRACT: The success of the Linux operating system has demonstrated the viability of open-source so...
Abstract Uppsats/Examensarbete: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp Kurs: MK15...
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary pr...
The software industry has long used a proprietary approach (i. e. where a firm keeps its software so...
This thesis provides a study of an open source software project that focuses on the software develop...
Altruistic individuals, selfish firms? The structure of motivation in Open Source software by Andrea...
Traditional business models for software development are currently being challenged by the phenomeno...
The question of why so many developers dedicate time and effort into contributing to Open Source Pro...
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open s...
We provide a rationale for open source project participation by studying the decision problems of th...
Open source eller öppen källkod innebär att vem som helst kan se, justera och dela koden. Företag, o...
Kunskap om olika utvecklingsmetoder vid start av ett nytt mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt äravgörande för...
Open source er anerkjent fenomen i programvareindustrien og -samfunnet på grunn av de svært innovati...
The purpose of the study is partly to identify and describe the conditions that arenecessary for ICT...
Die Motivation von Open Source-SoftwareentwicklerInnen ist ein hoch-komplexes Konstrukt. Diese Arbei...
ABSTRACT: The success of the Linux operating system has demonstrated the viability of open-source so...
Abstract Uppsats/Examensarbete: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp Kurs: MK15...
The promise of reduced costs, increased flexibility, and independence from vendors of proprietary pr...
The software industry has long used a proprietary approach (i. e. where a firm keeps its software so...
This thesis provides a study of an open source software project that focuses on the software develop...
Altruistic individuals, selfish firms? The structure of motivation in Open Source software by Andrea...
Traditional business models for software development are currently being challenged by the phenomeno...
The question of why so many developers dedicate time and effort into contributing to Open Source Pro...
Open Source Software has been all about myths until recently, with many people believing that open s...
We provide a rationale for open source project participation by studying the decision problems of th...