As basic elements of the quantum computer - quantum bits (qubits) we offer semiconductor quantum dots containing one electron each and consisting each of two tunnel-connected parts. The numerical solution of a Schroedinger equation with the account of Coulomb field of adjacent electrons shows, that in such structures the realization of a full set of basic logic operations which are necessary for fulfillment of quantum computations is possible. Durations of one- and two-qubit operations versus qubit geometry are obtained. Decoherence rates due to spontaneous emission of phonons and acoustic phonons (both piezoelectric and deformation) are evaluated. Analysis of these rates shows the offered qubit to be coherent enough to perform error correc...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, the underpinnings of centuries-old classical physics were begi...
A two-level quantum system is the building block of a quantum computer. This pair of quantum states ...
Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible g...
As the size and proximity of components on modern computer chips approaches quantum mechanical limit...
We present novel models of quantum gates based on coupled quantum dots in which a qubit is regarded ...
In the context of a semiconductor-based implementation of a quantum computer the idea of a quantum s...
A potential implementation of quantum-information schemes in semiconductor nanostructures is studied...
We propose a simple encoding of charge-based quantum dot qubits which protects against fluctuating e...
A potential implementation of quantum-computation schemes in semiconductor-based structures is propo...
We present a model for quantum computation using n steady 3-level atoms or3-level quantum dots, kept...
It is shown that the universal set of quantum logic gates can be realized using solid-state quantum ...
We describe the conditional and unconditional dynamics of two coupled quantum dots when one dot is s...
A potential implementation of quantum-computation schemes in semiconductor-based structures is propo...
Quantum computing promises to deliver uniquely powerful information processing machines by exploitin...
In this dissertation we discuss decoherence in charge qubits formed by multiple lateral quantum dots...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, the underpinnings of centuries-old classical physics were begi...
A two-level quantum system is the building block of a quantum computer. This pair of quantum states ...
Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible g...
As the size and proximity of components on modern computer chips approaches quantum mechanical limit...
We present novel models of quantum gates based on coupled quantum dots in which a qubit is regarded ...
In the context of a semiconductor-based implementation of a quantum computer the idea of a quantum s...
A potential implementation of quantum-information schemes in semiconductor nanostructures is studied...
We propose a simple encoding of charge-based quantum dot qubits which protects against fluctuating e...
A potential implementation of quantum-computation schemes in semiconductor-based structures is propo...
We present a model for quantum computation using n steady 3-level atoms or3-level quantum dots, kept...
It is shown that the universal set of quantum logic gates can be realized using solid-state quantum ...
We describe the conditional and unconditional dynamics of two coupled quantum dots when one dot is s...
A potential implementation of quantum-computation schemes in semiconductor-based structures is propo...
Quantum computing promises to deliver uniquely powerful information processing machines by exploitin...
In this dissertation we discuss decoherence in charge qubits formed by multiple lateral quantum dots...
At the dawn of the twentieth century, the underpinnings of centuries-old classical physics were begi...
A two-level quantum system is the building block of a quantum computer. This pair of quantum states ...
Solid-state quantum computer architectures with qubits encoded using single atoms are now feasible g...