This document concerns the award of a contract for the supply of 3890 beam screen tubes for the LHC arc magnets. Following a market survey carried out among 69 firms in 12 Member States and five firms in Japan, a call for tenders (IT-2539/LHC/LHC) was sent on 20 April 2000 to one firm and one consortium consisting of two firms, in three Member States. By the closing date, CERN had received one tender from the consortium. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with the consortium ICARUS (BE) - BUTTING (DE), the only bidder, for the supply of 3890 beam screen tubes for the LHC arc magnets for a total amount not exceeding 14 537 221 euros (22 454 774 Swiss francs), not subject to revision until 31 December 2...