This document concerns the award of a contract for the supply of 1232 sextupole spool corrector magnets for the LHC superconducting dipole magnets. Following a market survey carried out among 39 firms in thirteen Member States and two firms in Japan, a call for tenders (IT-2540/LHC/LHC) was sent on 22 February 1999 to nine firms in six Member States and one firm in Japan. By the closing date, CERN had received six tenders. The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of a contract with the firm ANTEC (ES) for the supply of 1232 sextupole spool corrector magnets for the LHC superconducting dipole magnets for a total amount of 4 072 134 Swiss francs, subject to revision for contractual deliveries after 31 December 2001, with a...