Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (Biblical Tools and Studies 1), Leuven – Paris – Dudley, Peeters, 2005. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 86e année n°3, Juillet-septembre 2006. pp. 420-421
Aragione Gabriella. Henning Graf Reventlow, History of Biblical Interpretation, vol. I : From the Ol...
Kuntzmann Raymond. G. Passelecq - F. Poswick, Table pastorale de la Bible. Index analytique et analo...
Robert Philippe de. Pieter W. van der Horst, Hellenism-Judaism-Christianity. Essays on Their Interac...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (Biblical Tools and Studi...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (coll. Biblical Tools and S...
Grappe Christian. Analyse narrative et Bible. Deuxième colloque international du RRENAB, Louvain-la-...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fiedermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts with an Assessment b...
Gerber Daniel. Reimund Bieringer, Emmanuel Nathan, Dominika Kurek-Chomycz, 2 Corinthians. A Bibliogr...
Keller Bernard. G. Passelecq - F. Poswick, Table pastorale de la Bible. Index analytique et analogiq...
Cottin Jérôme. Françoise Mies (éd.), Bible et art. L’âme des sens, Namur – Bruxelles, Presses univer...
Jacob Edmond. H.J. Franken & C.A. Franken-Battershill, A Primer of Old Testament Archaeology. Leiden...
Grappe Christian. Peter Leander Hofrichter, Logoslied, Gnosis und Neues Testament, (Theologische Tex...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts. With an Assessment b...
Auwers Jean-Marie. Pieter W. Van der Horst, Hellenism - Judaism - Christianity . Essays on their Int...
Marx Alfred. Daniel Doré (dir.), Comment la Bible saisit-elle l’histoire ? XXIe congrès de l’Associa...
Aragione Gabriella. Henning Graf Reventlow, History of Biblical Interpretation, vol. I : From the Ol...
Kuntzmann Raymond. G. Passelecq - F. Poswick, Table pastorale de la Bible. Index analytique et analo...
Robert Philippe de. Pieter W. van der Horst, Hellenism-Judaism-Christianity. Essays on Their Interac...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (Biblical Tools and Studi...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (coll. Biblical Tools and S...
Grappe Christian. Analyse narrative et Bible. Deuxième colloque international du RRENAB, Louvain-la-...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fiedermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts with an Assessment b...
Gerber Daniel. Reimund Bieringer, Emmanuel Nathan, Dominika Kurek-Chomycz, 2 Corinthians. A Bibliogr...
Keller Bernard. G. Passelecq - F. Poswick, Table pastorale de la Bible. Index analytique et analogiq...
Cottin Jérôme. Françoise Mies (éd.), Bible et art. L’âme des sens, Namur – Bruxelles, Presses univer...
Jacob Edmond. H.J. Franken & C.A. Franken-Battershill, A Primer of Old Testament Archaeology. Leiden...
Grappe Christian. Peter Leander Hofrichter, Logoslied, Gnosis und Neues Testament, (Theologische Tex...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts. With an Assessment b...
Auwers Jean-Marie. Pieter W. Van der Horst, Hellenism - Judaism - Christianity . Essays on their Int...
Marx Alfred. Daniel Doré (dir.), Comment la Bible saisit-elle l’histoire ? XXIe congrès de l’Associa...
Aragione Gabriella. Henning Graf Reventlow, History of Biblical Interpretation, vol. I : From the Ol...
Kuntzmann Raymond. G. Passelecq - F. Poswick, Table pastorale de la Bible. Index analytique et analo...
Robert Philippe de. Pieter W. van der Horst, Hellenism-Judaism-Christianity. Essays on Their Interac...