Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fiedermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts with an Assessment by F. Neirynck, Leuven, University Press - Peeters, 1995 (= Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CXXII). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 77e année n°2, Avril-juin 1997. pp. 210-211
Joosten Jan. Thomas Römer, Konrad Schmid, dir., Les dernières rédactions du Pentateuque, de l’Hexate...
Grappe Christian. Lars Hartman, Text-Centered New Testament Studies. Text-Theoretical Essays on Earl...
Grappe Christian. Analyse narrative et Bible. Deuxième colloque international du RRENAB, Louvain-la-...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fiedermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts with an Assessment b...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts. With an Assessment b...
Grappe Christian. Reimund Bieringer & Jan Lambrecht, Studies on 2 Corinthians, Leuven, University Pr...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (Biblical Tools and Studi...
Robert Philippe de. C. Brekelmans et J. Lust (Ed.), Pentateuchal and Deuteronomic Studies, Louvain, ...
Grappe Christian. Heinz Giesen, Jesu Heilsbotschaft und die Kirche. Studien zur Eschatologie und Ekk...
Trocmé Étienne. Frans Neirynck, Duality in Mark , contributions to the study of the Markan redaction...
Grappe Christian. Frans Neirynck, Evangelica III. 1992-2000. Collected Essays, Leuven, University Pr...
Trocmé Étienne. Frans Neirynck, Duality in Mark, Contributions to te Study of the Markan Redaction. ...
Heintz Jean-Georges. Lohfink N. (Editeur), Das Deuteronomium. Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft, in ...
Grappe Christian. Dieter Kuhn, Metaphysik und Geschichte. Zur Theologie Ernst Lohmeyers (Theologisch...
Ingelaere Jean-Claude. F. Van Segbroeck, C.M. Tuckett, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden, éd., The Four Gos...
Joosten Jan. Thomas Römer, Konrad Schmid, dir., Les dernières rédactions du Pentateuque, de l’Hexate...
Grappe Christian. Lars Hartman, Text-Centered New Testament Studies. Text-Theoretical Essays on Earl...
Grappe Christian. Analyse narrative et Bible. Deuxième colloque international du RRENAB, Louvain-la-...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fiedermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts with an Assessment b...
Focant Camille. Harry T. Fleddermann, Mark and Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts. With an Assessment b...
Grappe Christian. Reimund Bieringer & Jan Lambrecht, Studies on 2 Corinthians, Leuven, University Pr...
Grappe Christian. Harry T. Fleddermann, Q. A Reconstruction and Commentary (Biblical Tools and Studi...
Robert Philippe de. C. Brekelmans et J. Lust (Ed.), Pentateuchal and Deuteronomic Studies, Louvain, ...
Grappe Christian. Heinz Giesen, Jesu Heilsbotschaft und die Kirche. Studien zur Eschatologie und Ekk...
Trocmé Étienne. Frans Neirynck, Duality in Mark , contributions to the study of the Markan redaction...
Grappe Christian. Frans Neirynck, Evangelica III. 1992-2000. Collected Essays, Leuven, University Pr...
Trocmé Étienne. Frans Neirynck, Duality in Mark, Contributions to te Study of the Markan Redaction. ...
Heintz Jean-Georges. Lohfink N. (Editeur), Das Deuteronomium. Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft, in ...
Grappe Christian. Dieter Kuhn, Metaphysik und Geschichte. Zur Theologie Ernst Lohmeyers (Theologisch...
Ingelaere Jean-Claude. F. Van Segbroeck, C.M. Tuckett, G. Van Belle, J. Verheyden, éd., The Four Gos...
Joosten Jan. Thomas Römer, Konrad Schmid, dir., Les dernières rédactions du Pentateuque, de l’Hexate...
Grappe Christian. Lars Hartman, Text-Centered New Testament Studies. Text-Theoretical Essays on Earl...
Grappe Christian. Analyse narrative et Bible. Deuxième colloque international du RRENAB, Louvain-la-...