Kamerunin hallitus on sitoutunut käyttämään korkeakoulutusta köyhyyden vähentämisessä ja muuttamaan Kamerunin kasvavan teollisuuden maaksi vuoteen 2035 mennessä. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan sitoumuksesta alkunsa saaneita muutosprosesseja ja siinä luodaan teoriaperustaa kehityksen analyysille. Tutkimus on laadullinen laadullinen tapaustutkimus, mutta vahva teoriapainotteisuus luo edellytyksiä sovelluksille muissa kehittyvissä Afrikan maissa. Korkeakoulutuksen systeemistä ympäristöä kuvataan kansallisen innovaatiojärjestelmän käsittein. Innovaatiojärjestelmätutkimuksen keskeinen käsite, kolmoiskierre (triple helix) auttaa osin jäsentämään kehitysprosesseja, mutta toisaalta se käsitteenä jää rajoittuneeksi kehittyvissä maissa, koska malli ei o...
Enrollment rates for higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa are by far the lowest in the world at 6%...
Since South Africa’s transition from apartheid to a democratic government in 1994, the country has b...
The thesis of this paper is that the African university, like its counterpart in the advanced develo...
Kamerunin hallitus on sitoutunut käyttämään korkeakoulutusta köyhyyden vähentämisessä ja muuttamaan ...
Africa is unique as the only continent in which the proportion of the population in poverty is growi...
As many African countries follow knowledge-intensive economic and social growth, the university's ro...
This paper is supported by Zhejiang Province Philosophy & Social Science Discipline, Major Subsi...
Education has become an indespensable tool for development. However, higher education institutions m...
The university was created in Yaounde, the political capital city of Cameroon, in 1961, after the in...
SIU konferanse Solstrand 6.-7. October 2003Higher education has a value of its own. When linked to t...
ABSTRACT Funding be it of a private or public initiative has always been a topical and a sensitive i...
Through a series of policy dialogues, TrustAfrica is working to broaden the discourse about the role...
Although access to higher education continues to be crucial for developing countries, higher educati...
In conjunction with the neoliberal prescriptions of the Berg Report of 1981, most African countries ...
Published ArticleSouth Africa higher education institutions are faced with a dual imperative: they a...
Enrollment rates for higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa are by far the lowest in the world at 6%...
Since South Africa’s transition from apartheid to a democratic government in 1994, the country has b...
The thesis of this paper is that the African university, like its counterpart in the advanced develo...
Kamerunin hallitus on sitoutunut käyttämään korkeakoulutusta köyhyyden vähentämisessä ja muuttamaan ...
Africa is unique as the only continent in which the proportion of the population in poverty is growi...
As many African countries follow knowledge-intensive economic and social growth, the university's ro...
This paper is supported by Zhejiang Province Philosophy & Social Science Discipline, Major Subsi...
Education has become an indespensable tool for development. However, higher education institutions m...
The university was created in Yaounde, the political capital city of Cameroon, in 1961, after the in...
SIU konferanse Solstrand 6.-7. October 2003Higher education has a value of its own. When linked to t...
ABSTRACT Funding be it of a private or public initiative has always been a topical and a sensitive i...
Through a series of policy dialogues, TrustAfrica is working to broaden the discourse about the role...
Although access to higher education continues to be crucial for developing countries, higher educati...
In conjunction with the neoliberal prescriptions of the Berg Report of 1981, most African countries ...
Published ArticleSouth Africa higher education institutions are faced with a dual imperative: they a...
Enrollment rates for higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa are by far the lowest in the world at 6%...
Since South Africa’s transition from apartheid to a democratic government in 1994, the country has b...
The thesis of this paper is that the African university, like its counterpart in the advanced develo...