Finding suitable and economically viable fuel alternatives, that might help mitigate the effect of global warming, is a field of continuous research. Biodiesel is a fuel derived from lipids from biomass that is renewable. Although biodiesel has desirable qualities as a fuel, the current methods of producing biodiesel still require improvements. NMBU is a university dedicated to the green shift, and as such, an effort is being made to research biofuels. The project for the first generation of “BioMax” was started in January of 2016 by a team of students at “Eik ideverksted” at NMBU and received 500 000 NOK in funding from “Spare-bankstiftelsen”, the Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) and “Eik Idéverksted”. Developing a functiona...
The transportation sector is the only sector of the Swedish society that is still increasing the emi...
2018 beslutade Sveriges regering att införa en reduktionsplikt som ämnar att reducera växthusgasutsl...
Gasoline is produced by distilling petroleum oil. This is done at a refinery, where a lot of other p...
Finding suitable and economically viable fuel alternatives, that might help mitigate the effect of g...
Denne utredningen i økonomisk styring har som tema prosjektanalyse av biodieselproduksjon i Norge. V...
This master thesis is a preview of some of the latest results from research on fuels from renewable ...
Med bakgrunn i de økte problemene med global oppvarming og de store klimagassutslippene fra transpor...
Som en del av den fornybare satsningen på NMBU har studenter startet prosjektering og bygging av et ...
The sustainability of first generation biofuels is hotly debated. Development of second generation ...
Biodiesel is an attractive alternative fuel for diesel engines.The feedstock for biodiesel productio...
Microorganisms have been considered for nearly a century for the production of economical and useful...
Fossila drivmedel ger en negativ påverkan på miljö och klimat. Men frågan är om biodrivmedel är bätt...
Bilindustrin är en av de största bidragsgivarna till koldioxidutsläpp genom fordonsutsläppnär de anv...
Menneskeheten må slutte med å bruke fossile energikilder i så stor grad som i dag fordi de fossile k...
The background for this master’s thesis is the focus on bioenergy and biofuels at NMBU. This has, am...
The transportation sector is the only sector of the Swedish society that is still increasing the emi...
2018 beslutade Sveriges regering att införa en reduktionsplikt som ämnar att reducera växthusgasutsl...
Gasoline is produced by distilling petroleum oil. This is done at a refinery, where a lot of other p...
Finding suitable and economically viable fuel alternatives, that might help mitigate the effect of g...
Denne utredningen i økonomisk styring har som tema prosjektanalyse av biodieselproduksjon i Norge. V...
This master thesis is a preview of some of the latest results from research on fuels from renewable ...
Med bakgrunn i de økte problemene med global oppvarming og de store klimagassutslippene fra transpor...
Som en del av den fornybare satsningen på NMBU har studenter startet prosjektering og bygging av et ...
The sustainability of first generation biofuels is hotly debated. Development of second generation ...
Biodiesel is an attractive alternative fuel for diesel engines.The feedstock for biodiesel productio...
Microorganisms have been considered for nearly a century for the production of economical and useful...
Fossila drivmedel ger en negativ påverkan på miljö och klimat. Men frågan är om biodrivmedel är bätt...
Bilindustrin är en av de största bidragsgivarna till koldioxidutsläpp genom fordonsutsläppnär de anv...
Menneskeheten må slutte med å bruke fossile energikilder i så stor grad som i dag fordi de fossile k...
The background for this master’s thesis is the focus on bioenergy and biofuels at NMBU. This has, am...
The transportation sector is the only sector of the Swedish society that is still increasing the emi...
2018 beslutade Sveriges regering att införa en reduktionsplikt som ämnar att reducera växthusgasutsl...
Gasoline is produced by distilling petroleum oil. This is done at a refinery, where a lot of other p...