Det norske samfunn har de siste tiårene vært gjennom en betydelig velstandsøkning hvor folkehelsen har blitt bedre og vi lever lengre. Likevel er det klare sosiale ulikheter i helse. Det er knapt noe område innenfor politikken som ikke har betydning for helsen og hvordan helsen er fordelt i befolkningen. Hovedformålet med denne masteroppgaven er å undersøke de tre siste regjeringers tilnærming til helseutjevning gjennom folkehelsemeldinger. Interessen ligger i er å se om politisk farge påvirker hvordan sosiale helseforskjeller forståes, omtales og prioriteres i politikkutformingen. Oppgaven benytter seg av dokumentanalyse som metode, med diskursanalyse som forståelsesramme. Den har dermed en kvalitativ tilnærming. Analysen baserer seg p...
Aims: The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumst...
Health is the wish of everybody, but the responsibility of nobody. This is particularly obvious for ...
Abstract: The Norwegian National government has recently developed policies to reduce health inequal...
ti år. Det argumenteres for at eksistensen av sosial ulikhet i helse er et alvorlig problem i Norge:...
Current evidence shows substantial inequalities amongst different groups of people in Norway. Accord...
Current evidence shows substantial inequalities amongst different groups of people in Norway. Accord...
Reducing social inequalities in health has been an important aim in the development of the Nordic we...
Background and aim: The purpose of this project was to study how municipalitieswork tooreducesocial ...
In 2012, a new public health act took effect in Norway, highlighting the importance of health equity...
Bakgrunn: Til tross for at Norge anses som et egalitært samfunn, finner man store sosiale ulikheter ...
Dette prosjektet studerte hvilken nasjonal politikk de nordiske land utvikler for å påvirke helsens ...
Dette prosjektet studerte hvilken nasjonal politikk de nordiske land utvikler for å påvirke helsens ...
Although health inequities have increasingly been acknowledged as an urgent public health challenge ...
Background As research increasingly investigates the impacts of technological innovations in health...
Background: Social inequalities in health are systematic differences in health between social groups...
Aims: The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumst...
Health is the wish of everybody, but the responsibility of nobody. This is particularly obvious for ...
Abstract: The Norwegian National government has recently developed policies to reduce health inequal...
ti år. Det argumenteres for at eksistensen av sosial ulikhet i helse er et alvorlig problem i Norge:...
Current evidence shows substantial inequalities amongst different groups of people in Norway. Accord...
Current evidence shows substantial inequalities amongst different groups of people in Norway. Accord...
Reducing social inequalities in health has been an important aim in the development of the Nordic we...
Background and aim: The purpose of this project was to study how municipalitieswork tooreducesocial ...
In 2012, a new public health act took effect in Norway, highlighting the importance of health equity...
Bakgrunn: Til tross for at Norge anses som et egalitært samfunn, finner man store sosiale ulikheter ...
Dette prosjektet studerte hvilken nasjonal politikk de nordiske land utvikler for å påvirke helsens ...
Dette prosjektet studerte hvilken nasjonal politikk de nordiske land utvikler for å påvirke helsens ...
Although health inequities have increasingly been acknowledged as an urgent public health challenge ...
Background As research increasingly investigates the impacts of technological innovations in health...
Background: Social inequalities in health are systematic differences in health between social groups...
Aims: The gradient in health inequalities reflects a relationship between health and social circumst...
Health is the wish of everybody, but the responsibility of nobody. This is particularly obvious for ...
Abstract: The Norwegian National government has recently developed policies to reduce health inequal...