Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven handler om i hvilken grad allmenn interesse reflekteres i byutvikling, forklart gjennom et casestudium av et byutviklingsprosjekt i Drammen. Prosjektet er organisert som et offentlig-privat samarbeid og ligger tematisk innenfor det som heter kulturbasert byutvikling. Undersøkelsen har fokus på hvordan maktbalansen mellom markedsaktører og offentlige myndigheter i byutvikling har endret seg de siste årene, og hvordan de ulike interesser i samfunnet og byutvikling har blitt påvirket av denne utviklingen. English:This master thesis deals with how the common interests is considered in urban development processes, explained through a case study concerning a urban development proje...
This thesis is a result of a wish, and a need, to research into the development of alternative use o...
Sustainable urban development is a concept that has become increasingly important as the urbanizatio...
Hyllie, a large scaled urban development project in the Southern of Malmö, hopes to contribute to Ma...
Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven handler om i hvilken grad allmenn interesse reflekteres i byutvikling, f...
Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven handler om i hvilken grad allmenn interesse reflekteres i byutvikling, f...
This thesis presents new knowledge about cooperation between firms developing industrial, logistical...
The theme of this thesis is acquisition of development property in urban transformation areas. It ha...
The essence of this master’s thesis is urban planning and by using qualitative research methods such...
Cities are highly unequal systems and rapid, top-down development is increasingly causing segregatio...
Dagens boligbygging skjer i et samspill mellom private eiendomsutviklere og kommunen. Kommunen legg...
The essence of this master’s thesis is urban planning and by using qualitative research methods such...
In Norway, the dominance of neo-liberal ideas has resulted in a private planning practice whereby th...
Masteroppgaven tar for seg begrepet «tomtebank» og hvilken funksjon tomtebanken har. Hovedfokuset er...
Hvordan oppnå man en bærekraftig byutvikling? Bakgrunnen for denne masteroppgaven er temaet bærek...
This thesis investigates how the legal regulations for development agreements works for property dev...
This thesis is a result of a wish, and a need, to research into the development of alternative use o...
Sustainable urban development is a concept that has become increasingly important as the urbanizatio...
Hyllie, a large scaled urban development project in the Southern of Malmö, hopes to contribute to Ma...
Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven handler om i hvilken grad allmenn interesse reflekteres i byutvikling, f...
Norsk: Denne masteroppgaven handler om i hvilken grad allmenn interesse reflekteres i byutvikling, f...
This thesis presents new knowledge about cooperation between firms developing industrial, logistical...
The theme of this thesis is acquisition of development property in urban transformation areas. It ha...
The essence of this master’s thesis is urban planning and by using qualitative research methods such...
Cities are highly unequal systems and rapid, top-down development is increasingly causing segregatio...
Dagens boligbygging skjer i et samspill mellom private eiendomsutviklere og kommunen. Kommunen legg...
The essence of this master’s thesis is urban planning and by using qualitative research methods such...
In Norway, the dominance of neo-liberal ideas has resulted in a private planning practice whereby th...
Masteroppgaven tar for seg begrepet «tomtebank» og hvilken funksjon tomtebanken har. Hovedfokuset er...
Hvordan oppnå man en bærekraftig byutvikling? Bakgrunnen for denne masteroppgaven er temaet bærek...
This thesis investigates how the legal regulations for development agreements works for property dev...
This thesis is a result of a wish, and a need, to research into the development of alternative use o...
Sustainable urban development is a concept that has become increasingly important as the urbanizatio...
Hyllie, a large scaled urban development project in the Southern of Malmö, hopes to contribute to Ma...